Chapter 31

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I went back to my room.

"Wake up, break fast is ready."i shook her.

"Its too early. I'm too sore for all this shit."she mumbled.


"Huh. nothing."

"Kay then. get up. come downstairs."

"Why. ion feel like it."

"Well then every one will eat breakfast wit out you."

I took the elevator downstairs, and sat down at the table.

She has been acting strange. Really strange. So strange that its starting to get creepy.

Every time i ask whats wrong she either ignores me, or says 'its nothing'.

Anyways i stared at my food, really hard, thinking.

Nick POV

i guess ill be going to the doctor or something.

Its been going on for weeks now.

I got up and got in the tub and try to relax.

28 minutes later

I got out and put on my under clothes, and sweatpants and a t shirt.

"Where ya going."she asked as i grabbed my keys and phone.

I shrugged. my shrug says it all:its non of your biz.

Then i walk out and get in the car and drive all the way across town and went inside.

??? POV

"get here."i told her.

"Yo. dumb ass, wanna walk slow in the house wasting my time."Ci said to her.

We came up wit something and wrote it out. Then, we discussed it and went our separate ways.

2 hours later
Nicki POV

Who could have raped me?

Thats what that doctor said to me.

I looked at her like she was crazy.

She frowned and continued to tell me some other stuff.

This shit is just crazy man. "Here. Take these once a day, for a week and come back."she gave me some pain relievers.

Im gonna find out who did this to me. And when i find out, im gonna beat he/she/it ass, then I'm gonna kill em.


Who was ??? ?

Whats the plan?

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