Ch 64- Pissy Ass Bitch Stop Hating

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8 months later(you'll know why I skipped so far soon)

Nicki POV

The door bell rung so I dragged my self out of bed and to the door.

"Who is it."i asked. Nobody answered. I look through the peephole and see... Sienna. This bitch here.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked opening the door a little.

"Is Beyoncé here?"

"Is ya mo here?"


"We'll then no."

"Look I ain't got time for games."

"And I don't have time for you."

"I don't feel like arguing just tell her I stopped by."

"I don't feel like talking or looking at you, so just leave."

"I'll just call her then."

"You do just that. You'll be six feet under."

"Is that a threat."

"Yeah I guess it is. Problem?"


"We'll ya know god gave every one two legs and feet right. You can walk with them. so get the steppin' AND DONT COME BACK."

She ran off and got in her car and speeded off. Scary ass.

That bitch made me wake up from the best dream ever. I went back up to my room and went back to sleep.

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