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Flashing lights. flashing lights. I hear the sirens and they start to get closer.

Then a police car pulls up at the house and gets out looking pissed.

He bangs on the door so I slowly walked to the door and opened it.

"Does Nicki Minaj love here."

I thought for a minute and decided to lie.

"No. Why would she be here? I don't know her."i lied.

"We'll I'm sorry to be banging on your door like that. When we find this lady/ girl she will be in deep trouble."

"Sorry. good bye now."i said and closed the door.

I run upstairs. "Nicki the police were asking for you."


"How should I know."

"Where are they now."

"Like I said. how should I know."

"Did you lie."

"Use your brain sometimes. What it look like."

"We'll then excuse you."

I got in bed and stared at her as she watched tv.

There's really nothing Bad that Nicki has done lately. Right?

That was close!

Drunk In Love(The 2nd Book)*complete*Where stories live. Discover now