Chapter 29

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Ciara POV

Hmm. Hmm. Future and i aren't on good terms.

He says i need to grow up and stop going out partying and take care of our baby. he also took the baby and we got a divorce.

I could care less about him or that baby.

Anyways i advised my file and booked somethings.

I ran into Nicki on my way out.

"Hey Nicki."

"Bye Ciara."

"Not so fast."

"What do you want and why you texted my wife."

"Look here. I don't care bout your wife. she can kick rocks, ya feel me."

"No i don't feel you. i don't want to either."

"Whats yo problem."

"No. whats yo problem. get a life and leave me alone."

"I cant leave you alone."

"Well find a way to do that."

"Look Nicki. i love you. why do you have to be so complicated."

"Im not being complicated. How bout this: i don't like you and never will. get dat through your big head, will ya."

"No i will not. and guess what. Tell Bey i said watch yo back. "

"Thats it. What the hell is up wit you."

"Ever since we did that song and you was grinding on me in the vid i felt something."

"That was like 5 years ago. And it was only for the vid."

"Well i felt sparks. i want you. Na na na."

"Well i don't want you and as of right now this convo is ova."

She walked of. Okay. ill just put my plan into action, then early.

I watched as she walked to her car. i tapped her as she was getting in..

"What bout this. Let me pleasure you. and if ya don't like it stop me."

"How bout this: move before i run over you."

"Okay."i said and went to my car and got in.

I followed her and she went to the gas station. i waited and waited and then followed her to her house.

Ugh, I'm never gonna get her while she at home.

I go home and took a shower. Then i put on a hoodie and some sweat pants and chilled up in my bed on Instagram.

Then i get on Tweeter. Nick says: Omw to record, got some stuff to get of my chest #barbforlife #barbie .

I got up grabbing my phone and went to the studio.

I sprayed some Pink Friday perfume and put my hair in a bun. then i gets out and go to her hall.

Maybe i should do some songs while waiting.

Three hours later

She at the snack machine and i wait to get in.

She goes to the rest room, so i go in to.

I drag her into the stall as she fights back but isn't strong enough.



"You forgot these walls are soundproof."i asked.

Author POV

"You forgot these walls were soundproof."Ciara told her as she started trying to get the T shirt of Nicki.

Nicki pushes Ciara back and tries to leave the stall but Ciara kicks the door with her foot and Nicki cringes as her hand slams in the door as it closed.

With her free hand she slaps Ciara and Ciara falls back.
Nicki opens the door, just to be pulled back and she falls onto the toilet.

Ciara takes a needle out, and Nicki sees it is filled with White foam. It goes into her neck, and Dark marks start to form under Her eyes as she drifts in and outta consciousness.


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