Ch 91-Broken

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I can't believe what I just did. What the hell is wrong with me?

I kept calling her phone, wanting to apologize.

Then I get a call from Mama Carol.

Phone conversation:

Me:hey ma

MC: Beyonceyouneedtogettothehospitalveryfast

Me:what? Slow down. What are you talking about

MC:*huffs angrily* Come to The hospital now

Me:why? Who's there?

Mc:no questions please just come on Beyonce I ain't got all day

Me:*gets keys and phone charger* Can you just tell me who's there? *gets in car*

mc:you'll see when you get here damn

Me:okay I'm-

Phone conversation over.

She hung up. Well then.

I drive there and park and get out. I go up to the receptionist.

"How can I hel- BEYONCE."She said as her eyes bulged out her head.

Everybody turned our way, and then I was getting crowded, people was yelling.

Not here, I thought.

"Can I have your autograph, please?"some lady asked.

Well I'm kindve actually in the middle of something.

"Sure. who am I making this out to."i asked grabbing the paper and pen.


"Okay. Here you are."i said and handed it back.

At these kind've times I really do need some bodyguards.

"Okay fans. Um I gotta go it'd be nice you all went away and came back another time."i said shooing them away.

"So um. Who are you here for."the lady asked.

"Shoot."i mumbled. Tay texted me. Room 347 east side.

"Room 347."i said.

"Okay. do you know the persons name."

"No I really don't can you just take me there please?"


If this guh don't stop saying Okay.

"Just to let you know. Nicki Minaj is in that room."she said as we walked.


"Oh look we are at her room. Her family is in there so I guess you can go in."she said.

"Thanks."i said and she walked away.

I open the door and see Nicki whole family there.

Then I get to the hospital bed.

What the fuck happened?

"Mama Carol? What happened to my wife?"

"Well-."she GCO.

"She fell off a cl-."Ciah got cut off.

"I didn't know Onika was a lesbian."One of Nicki's... I'm guessing her aunt called out.

"So what happened to her."i asked completely ignoring her aunt.

"Well um. We went to see our dads grave and one thing led to another... and then she disappeared and I turned around and she was standing on the cliff and..."Lani trailed off.

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