Ch 84- FaceTime

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You ask where do I stand with my family.

Oh yeah. Me and Nicki, I still love her like I did before I found out.

We FaceTime every once in a while. Me and my sisters and brother not much. Haven't seen or talked to them in 2 years.

Me and my momma( Beyoncé) we working on it, but we don't talk much either.

Mama Carol haha, she still good. I call her sometimes.

Me and Jay Z ugly ass don't talk, we never did since two years.

Jaiden. Her? Fuck that bitch. I don't know what she doing right now.

Probably married to that girl. But I don't care.

I'm doing me.

Raginae And Gage came in the kitchen.

"Tay when you-."

"Hold on my mommy(Nicki) is calling me."

FaceTime conversation:

Me:hey mother

Nicki:hey Taylor, we miss you

Me: Y'all should miss me

Nicki: I'm serous

Me: I'm serous too

Nicki: anyways, where is Jayceon?

Gage :*takes iPad off counter and smiles In Camera* I'm right here grandma

Nicki: Hey whatchu been up to

Gage: nothing, when am I gwoing to mwet ywou

Nicki: I don't know ask your mom*smiles*

Gage:*turns to me* When can I mweet grandma

Me:I don't know kid

Gage:*bites into sandwich* mama said I can meet you next week

Me: I didn't say that lil boy

Nicki: haha, okay I'll clear my schedule, Tay you know the family reunion Is in two weeks are you going to come

Me: I don't know*runs fingers through hair*

Nicki:call me when you decide cause I gots to go

Me: okay bye

FaceTime over.

"So what were you saying."i asked her.

"I'm never mind but we need to talk."

"Talk about what."


What do they need to talk about?

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