Ch 69-Swimming

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"The pool just sits there waiting to be played in."i said looking out the window.

"I'm not gonna swim in that stuff Beyonce."Nicki said, her eyes glued to the tv.

"Oh come on. Why did u get a jacuzzi and pool if it ain't gonna be used."

"Just for the kids."

"Oh come on. They don't even know how to swim,"

"What ever."

"Put your swim suit on. We gonna go swim weather you like it or not."i said and went to the swimming section in my closet.

"Nah you go by yourself."

"GET YO ASS UP AND PUT ON A GOT DAMN SUIT."I yelled which made her jump.

"FINE."she yelled back and got up.

I put on the red two piece and got our towels and stuff and waited on her.

"I told you I don't know how to swim."she said as I pulled her outside.

"It's easy."

"If I drown and die you get sexually frustrated don't turn on my kids."she said and sat on the end with just her feet in.

I got on the slide and slide down and made a big splash.

"Bey Where are you. I'm scared and bout to go inside."Nicki said getting up.

I was under water the whole. I yanked on her feet and pulled her in.

"AHHHH."she shrieked. "YOU SCARED ME. I HATE YOU. STUPID ASS MOTHER FUCKER."she said and flipped the bird.

"We'll then fuck you too."

"You know ya want to."she said walking in the pool. Then she fell deeper.

She must've gotten into the deep end.

"BEY HELP ME."she yelled.

I fell in the water backwards laughing my butt off.

"I could've died."She said.

"Don't say that."

"We'll... it was true."she said.

"So if you were in the bathtub and you were sitting down. What if you drowned."

"We'll then I'll yell for help. "she said and got out pulling me out with her. We went over to the jacuzzi.

It felt so good.

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