Ch 74- My Story

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Nicki POV

I watched as the doctor moved his hand around showing us the screen.

My daughter is pregnant with a baby boy on the way.

"Can I abort it."i hear her say.

I got up. "um doctor. can we have a minute alone."i asked.

He nodded and left.

I closed the door all the way. then I walk back over and slap the shit out her.

"You will not abort that baby. have I ever told you my story."

She shook her head no.

"When I was 14 I got pregnant. everybody talked me into aborting it. and I did. I regretted it. I'm just saying don't do it."

"I'm just 17."

"I don't give a fuck what age you are. You will not abort that baby. Your not to old for me to whip yo ass."

"But mom."

"But mom nothing. I better have a grand baby in nine months and it better be from you. You hear me?"


"I mean it Taylor."

"I hear you dang."

"You better."i said and sat back down.

The doctor came back and gave her the picture of the baby boy.

I dropped her off at home and went home.

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