Ch 59- Come Home, Secrets Revealed

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Nicki POV

Roman come home please!, I thought.

Martha must have heard or saw the bubble because she started to tell me something.

'He is on his way back now. Boarding school let out for the summer' she said.

'Yaay' I squealed.

I can not wait for Roman's return. I need to tell him about the things that happened while he was away.

"Bey I need to tell you something."

"What's it. Spill."she said.

"Solange and Kelly raped me."I said.

"They would never do that. Why are you lying on them."

"I'm not lying.They did. I have the marks to prove it."

"Please enlighten me."

I showed her. "there's no marks on you. Put your clothes back on. And stop lying."She said.

"But they were there just two minutes ago."

"Look Nicki. I don't who your trying to fool. But I'm not the one."

"I'm not trying to fool you. You know what find out yourself."

Bey's POV

I walked out and went to Solange room where her and Kelly were talking.

"Hey Kellz, hey Lange."i said an walked in.

"Hey bey."they both said. "So Nick keeps telling me you guys raped her. Is she lying."

"Oh. she's totally lying. Why would we do that knowing you would get mad."Kelly said.

"Good. that's what I wanted to hear. She been tripping ever since you guys moved in."i said and walked out.

Nicki POV

I don't understand. The marks were here just a minute ago. Maybe Martha used her powers to make them go away.

Roman has just arrived. Im so happy. We rushed him inside and we took are turns enlightening him on what's been happening.

He got so mad. And he started destroying stuff around the house.

Roman POV

I'm coming for you Kelly, and Solange. I went to sleep, and Bey went to the studio.

Then I wake up and end up bumping into them in the hall way.

The thoughts come back to my head and I split into two. I never knew I could morph into two people. Nicki Tha Ninja appeared standing right next to me.

"I always got ya back."she smiled and stayed looking at me as she Kicked Solange in the face.

They seemed token back by it and we started fighting them.

I am never tired. Never. But, unfortunately I had to stop because I had to reload.

I sat waiting, and watching.

Bey came home. She was startled to See Me and Nicki Tha Ninja.

"Roman? Nicki Tha Ninja? I thought y'all were in Moscow. Where is Nicki? And since when could y'all morph in two?"

"First off: School is over. second: Nicki is up here."We both pointed to our brains. "and last: It just happened when you said She lied. and she didn't. They really did rape her, and you didn't believe her."Ninja added.

"Oh yeah. I couldn't fight them on my own. So I split and Here we are."i said at last.

"What the hell happened."Solange and Kelly asked as they struggled to get up. Ninja quickly kicked and punched them and they fell out in a heap.

"We'll Bye Beyoncé. We are going back up here and Nicki will be back in a minute." I said as Me and Ninja morphed back into one person.

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