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Nick POV

She cried herself to sleep.

I gathered some pillows and blankets and a comforter and set her up a bed out side on the patio. Then i carry her outside and dump her on it.

She sleeping OUTSIDE, TILL I SAY SO.

Im not gonna feed her either.

I cooked dinner and sat down and ate.

"Ma. what did you do with momma."Sierra asked.

"Oh nothing honey.i did nothing."Martha lied.

5 minutes later

Then Bey started beating on the window outside.

Every one looked up from there plates and saw her.

She yelled HELP ME.

"Don't move ."i ordered them.

I laughed at her, and finished my dinner. I told y'all it was getting personal.

I don't feel guilty, about it. Besides, she deserves to sleep outside, with no food or any thing else. Right?

Any ways i took a shower and laid down in my bed.

Around 11 pm i checked if she was sleep... she was. So i went outside made the fence a little taller with the secret devise and locked ALL eight locks.


I looked out the window and see Bey sleeping and her clothes all torn. Oh come on it was just one night.

I went down stairs and cooked breakfast. Made my plate and went outside and ate right in front her face.

"The least i could do is give you something to drink so here."i handed her my orange juice.

"When are you gonna let me back in."

"NEVER. HAHA."i cackled in her face.

She looked at me with sorrow in her eyes.

"Ill be back."

I went inside and grabbed a chain necklace and bowls.

Then i went back outside.

"Ya know. i always wanted a poodle for a pet. But i could never have one."

"What are you doing."

"The only way you'll be able to come back inside is if you get your act together and stop cheating on me."


"Wear this necklace. see? It looks like a real necklace, has a diamond and all."

I put it on her.

"Come on Bey."i went in front her and slammed the door in her face.

She really. Thought i was gonna let her come back in side. Haha. Bitch you guessed it...... woah..... you was WRONG.

Drunk In Love(The 2nd Book)*complete*Where stories live. Discover now