Chapter 21

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(The PRESENT Tay )
Two weeks later

I sat up in my bed and watched tv.

This shit is crazy man. there's nothing on tv during the day.

We'll I'm posed to be at school but momma told me I had to stay home because she don't want nothing to happen.

I got up and did my hygiene's and went to the kitchen. (outfit in multimedia).

So I'm sitting on my island(btw my name is on it so it's mine) and eating my breakfast. which is Oatmeal, Croissants, eggs, and some crispy bacon.

Ma walked in and she jumped back and yelled, when she saw me.

"What are you yelling for."

"You scared the fuck outta me. Why you ain't at school."

"Momma told me I don't gotta go today."

"Oh. we'll she could've told em something."

"So. when's Christian getting out jail."

"Guh. ion een know. "

"He prolly hates us right now."

"He shouldn't. it's his fault. not ours."She said and took a sip of her tea.

My phone started ringing in my pocket. I got it and looked at the name. Why the hell jail is calling me.

Phone conversation:


Christian:hey Tay, it's me

Me:what do u want

Christian:bail me out of this hell

Me:did the crime do the time

Christian:u know I only got 5 minutes on dis ugly phone

Me:call ma if u wanna get out jail I'm not bailing you out

Christian:I got u nigga, I see how it is

Phone convo over.

If it was something else yeah I woulda bailed him out but drugs. Really nigga. you must have me bent.

I finished my food and put my plate in the sink.

KayLynn POV

Me and Diamond parted and I went home. yeah that's right. me and Diamond are COUSINS!!

Tomorrow we are going to put our plan into action. Haha bitches. they gone get it.


What's KayLynn & Diamond plan?

Is Christian gonna get out jail?

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