Chapter 19

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I got up out my bed and grabbed my car keys and my phone along wit two back up phones.

Then I drove to Diamonds house and saw her car there. so I get out and ring the doorbell.

She opens it smiles and steps aside letting me in.

I went in and stood by the wall. she took my to her bed room.

"Look Diamond I didn't come here for sex. I just want to know."

"Know what."

"Did you take my moms necklace."

"No why would I do that."

"I don't know. I was just asking."i looked around.

The necklace was nowhere to be found.
"I know you aren't lying. bye babe. See ya tom."i said hugging and kissing her and walking out.

She grabbed me by my arm and yanked me back wit a sly grin mixed wit a smirk.

"What are you doing."i said trying to move from under her.

"Let's play a game."

"Nah I'm going home I'm sleepy."i yawned.

"Sleep here."

"No I'd rather sleep in my comfortable bed."i got out and walked towards the door.

She tripped me and I fell down and she started walking to me so I started backing up and hit the wall.

I looked to my left side and saw a bathroom nearby.

"Don't be scared. daddy will give you the time of your life."

I shook my head no and as soon as she turned away I ducked into the bathroom and locked the door, and took out my phone.

So then I click the emergency button and dial Jaiden's number.

Please pick up, Jai.

Yay she answered.

Phone convo:

Jai:what you want

Me:hey I know your mad at me, but can you please come save me. please

Jai:what happened to don't call me or text me any more?

Me:Jai come on. *breathing hard* please.


Me:because I don't have much time. just please come

Jai:stop playing them mind games

Me:it's not a mind-

She hung up on me.

"Oh Tay Tay. come out come out wherever you are."Diamond said coming closer to the door.

I stood behind te shower curtain.

About five minutes later she unlocked the door and came in.

I got more scared.

She pulled the curtain back and laughed at me.

"Oh I just want to play a game. there you are. Scream and I kill you. Got that?"

I shook my head 'yes' not saying any thing as she dragged me to her room again.

She threw me on the bed and stuck a needle in my neck.

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