Ch 80- Acusing The Wrong One

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"Sup baby."i said sitting by her feet and changing the channel.

"Sup nothing. Where were you? And why you so sticky? And why you changing my Channel."

"Nowhere. I don't know. And because I can. Lemme see your phone."


"Because I wanna play a game."

"No. you got all them games on yo phone."

"My dead."i lied. "and why not. You cheating or sum?"

"No. Jai think. I'm pregnant. And he kicks a lot. So why would I be out and about, "

"Just lemme see ya phone."

"Here then. Take that piece of shit."she yelled and through it at me.

"Don't be throwing shit and yelling at me."i said and tried the passcode.

"Nigga how you work the thing."i asked.

She pressed her thumb on the screen and it opened.

Then she walked away. I went to her messages. "Aye. Who is Raginae?"

"My cousin. I told you this all ready."

"Yeah what ever."

"I'm foreal."

"Then how come I never meet her."

"Because she lives on Texas and we are all the way in Cali."

"Whatever."i said and threw it onto the couch.

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