Chapter 16

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"No you EAT your food."

"You sure."


Tay looked shocked and I covered my mouth in shock also.

Then paparazzi came outta nowhere and cameras started flashing. uh oh.

I'm not used to this. I covered my face as Tay and some of the workers told the paparazzi to leave.

Soon my food came and Tay got it in a Togo box and she yanked me up literally and took me to her car.

She threw me in and all I could do was think how bad I fucked up.

She stomped to her side and got in. Wit out saying a word she drove us somewhere.

We pulled up at my house. "So your just gonna bring me home."

"We at your house. what the hell it look like."

"I'm sorry."i said starring at her. she told me to get out. I couldn't argue so I grabbed my things and went into my house.

I dropped all my stuff on the floor and ran up to my room taking of my heels and fell onto my bed crying.

This was my first chance to get in a relationship and I blew it. the last time I was in a relationship was 4 years ago.

I feel so guilty. why did I have to go and scream like that?


I was being a nice person and she goes and yells at me. in public.

Then to make things worse the paps showed up and started taking pictures.

Diamond POV


I have a chance wit Tay now. I know what I did was wrong and all but I really like Tay.

So I called her and she agreed to go out on a date wit me.

I got ready in a thong, skin tight jeggings and a bra, and a crop top.

Then I straightened my hair and let it hang.

So I grab my galaxy note 4 and get in my car. and was on my way to get Tay.

Three hours later

Turns out me and Tay got a lot in common.

She told me her parents were Beyonce and Nicki Minaj.

So I started to tell her to take me to her house and she said nah.

So I ended up begging her and kissing all up on her and she agreed to take me.

So we went and it it 10 times bigger than my house.

We went inside and QUEEN BEY herself was sitting on the sofa wit a magazine in her hand. Then NICKI MINAJ was in the kitchen cooking. I ran over to bey and started rambling and she gave me an auto graph and I did the same thing to Nicki and she did the same.

We went up to Tay room and I saw a whole bunch of jewelry and trophies on a pink table that was decorated wit permed in Diamonds. like my name.

Anyway, we went to her closet and it was huge. Like, my whole room could fit in here. then she showed me a hidden elevator that only her and Beyoncé know off. we went in it and she pressed a floor 1 and it took us right back down stairs. We walked out and were standing right in her parents room.

The wall was decorated wit Nicki minaj and Beyoncé albums and pictures of them and There children.

We went back up to her room and she said she was gonna get in the bathtub. soon as she did that I took the hidden elevator and pressed floor 1 and ended up right back in Her parents room.

I looked around and down the hall and stepped back inside. then I picked up a diamond necklace and hid it in my bra and went back upstairs and into Tays room and sat on her bed and stared at the tv, acting like i was watching it but I was really stare at Tay while she in the tub.

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