Chapter 8

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*skipping to after Bey birthday*


"C'mon lil nigga."i said. Zayn is taking forever.

I've taken it into consideration that I would get the baby for Nicki.

Cause that's just the nice person I am.

But I'm not gonna get preggo. Im gonna adopt.

The fuck i look like?😂.

I brought the kids to mama Carol house and went to the foster care adoption center.

Everybody was separated but running around as other people got some kids.

Gladly only a few people noticed i was Beyoncé.

"Hi ma'am what are you interested in for today."

"A girl."

"We'll right this way. here are tons of children you can choose from."

I smiled and looked around. The lady left and went back to her desk in the front of the building.

There was this one girl that was sitting alone reading a book as other kids ran by and cussed her out, steeped on her feet, yanked her hair and other horrible things.

I went up to her and noticed she was reading a book about Beyoncé. That's me. she's reading about me. I didn't know there was books about me. lol.

"Hi, sweetie. What's your name?"i asked.


"Thats a cute name. So what ya reading about."


I took of my hat, and she gasped and started jumping up and down and pointing.

"It's Beyoncé. your Beyoncé."She said all shocked like.

"Yeah. And your Sierra. Come on."

"Don't tell me your going to adopt me."

"Yes I am."

"May i ask why."

"Because you was by your self and I felt sorry and those kids were doing mean things. "

"Okay then."

We went back to the front desk and while I was filling out the papers Sierra was packing her things.

It think she'll get along wit the others perfectly.

Sierra POV


I'm getting adopted by BEYONCÉ!

She is my role model. I wonder what she means when she says The Family Will Love You.

Maybe I'm gonna have a family for once.

I hope they don't bring me back here like all the others did.

After I was done packing I got my bag and went to the front desk.

She smiled and took some papers and we went and got into a pink Lambo.

Only Nicki Minaj has a Pink Lambo.

Maybe she let Beyonce use it to come get me.

We pulled into a big house it looked like a skyscraper.

I got out the car and looked around. Millions of cars in this garage.

We went inside and she gave me a tour of the house. We went to the mall and I got some new clothes. (outfit in multimedia).

Then as I'm watching tv, in the living room two girls came in kissing all up on each other.

"Hey Sierra. I'm Tay, your sister. and this my girlfriend KayLynn."Taylor said.

I nodded and waved at the other girl.

They went off some where in the house.

Every one else intro'd themselves, but what was really shocking was when Beyoncé and Nicki Minaj kissing and slapping each other's butts.

I sat in front them. "Oh hey. You must be the lovely Sierra I heard about."Nicki said.

I smiled, and turned back to the tv.

Then it was time for dinner. "Ewh. I don't like Mac n cheese." I shook my head "no".

"We'll then. what do you want."

"Do you have Gravy N Rice."

"Yeah, but it needs to be warned up."

"I'll wait."I fiddled wit my fingers waiting while Nicki put my food on the microwave.

"Momma. Why you so quiet ."I looked at her.

"Nothing just thinking."she said.

After dinner I went to my room on the second floor and took my bath.

When I was trying to go to sleep I kept hearing moaning in the room next door.

Eventually I fell asleep.

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