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Nick POV

I felt Bey get out of bed, and heard the shower start.

I ended up falling asleep again.


After i did my hygienes and stuff, i went to my closet and looked around.

(Outfit in multi media)

We decided to just go in the morning because Sienna has to work.

"Where ya going?"

"Take care some biz."

She looked at me. "what,"i asked.

"Nothing."she said, and turned back on her side.

I got my phone and purse and keys and went to get her.

Damn she look good.

Anyways we went to McDonalds since it was the only thing open at 9 in the morning.

We were eating and talking when she cut me off with a kiss.
5 mins later

"I didNt mean to startle you. "

"Its fine. I liked it."i smiled.

We went back to my car and went to her house. And we ended up fucking.

The moment just felt so right. I ride that dildo like a horsey!!.

Soon i feel on top her and went to sleep.

Nick POV

Call after call. she doesn't answer. it keeps sending me to voice mail.

Maybe shes at work- but she always txt me when shes at work.

I called her again. Voicemail.

I left a message. So i decided to call her mom, maybe she knows what to do.

Phone conversation:

Me: hey miss Diana

Diana:oh, its you again what do you want

Me:bey isn't answering my calls or texts

Diana:who's problem is that

Me:well umm i was wondering if you'd know what to do

Diana:hell do what you want don't call me ah gain

Phone convo over.

Drunk In Love(The 2nd Book)*complete*Where stories live. Discover now