Ch 93- All Things Go

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Nicki POV

We'll. Roman did a good job With her.

Thanks Roman.

"You hungry?. Thirsty? "She asked.

"Nah but you can go get some things from the store from me."


I told her an she made a list. Then she kiss my forehead and leaves.

I watch tv. "Mommy. I missed you."Tay said coming down the hall. "Haha I missed you too."i said.

"Grams? Hey grams guess what."Gage said jumping on he bed.

"Jayceon don't do that."Tay said with a stern look.

"Look at you lil missy."i said very impressed.

"Yeah only Grams guess what."

"What.. J'."i asked.

"We stopped at the store and mommy told me to get you some "Get Well together" or something like that."

"Aww you didn't have to."

"That's what I told her. She didn't listen."he got up and poked Tay in her leg.

I laughed at them.
______Bey POV______

All she wanted was a bunch of junk food. I started to put the bags in the trunk.

I close the door and walk to the front.

"Hey Queen Bey."Some one said.

"Hi."i said turning around.

"Your very beautiful." She said.


"Can I have your number."

"Im so sorry. I cant, Im married and not trying to fuck up."

"I see you committed to him huh."

"No, it's a her. And yes. Very."

"We'll I bet I can pleasure you way better."

"Nope I'm not going back down that road."

"Oh come on hunny. Let me work it."She said.

"Nah."i said and opened my car door.

She slammed it and got all up in my face.

"When you loosen up I'll call you."

"You don't even know my number."

"I'll get it."she said and walked off.

Um okay.

I get in and go home. I'm gonna hire some body guards and maybe a maid.

This work is tiring. Anyways I go home and walk in the house.

Tay and Gage were watching Ninja Turtles, and Nicki was sleeping.

I dump out her candy in a pile in her drawer.

Then I watch her sleep. "It ain't polite to stare at people. Did you get my candy?" (Ewe that sounds nasty haha)

"Yes my queen."

"Thanks."She said and started eating some sour patch kids.

"How do you eat that. It's disgusting."

"It's actually good. Try one."She said shoving one in my mouth.(okay that's nasty too, I'll stop lol)

I chewed for a while.

"What I told ya."She said.

"Oh shut up just gimme another one."

We started watching a movie. Then there was a sex scene.

I got sad.

I guess Nicki saw the look on my face cause she turn it off.

"What's wrong, Baby."

"Nothing. "I answered.

"Babe. I may have all these casts and scratches and shit but I'm not stupid. Tell me what's wrong."

"We'll. I'm hungry but I don't have nothing to eat."

"Why not."

"Because I don't wanna hurt it."

"Hurt what?"

"Your leg."

"Hahaha. You funny."She said laughing.

"And I'm serous."

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