Chapter 20

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I told her I wasn't coming. So I slip on an all black suit and went to Tay house.

I told her parents what happened and we got on Nicks Mac book.

She clicked Tays name and it showed us where Tay was. She on northman ave.

"Who does she know that lives on Northman ave."

"We'll have to find out. "

I went to the living room and waited on them to get dressed.

We look like a pack of killers because all of us were wearing all black.

We got in Beys car and Bey speeded to get to the street.

We stopped. And looked around. "Who's Thompson residence."Nick asked.

I shrugged, as Bey got out the car and I did as Nick followed behind.

We knocked on the door and Diamond answered.

Nick pushed her in and we went inside and locked the door.

I started to beat up Diamond as Nick and Bey went to go look for her since I couldn't. (because I hadn't seen her privates yet)

I threw punch after punch and then she kicked me making me fly back and hit the couch.

I got up quickly showing no fear and attacked her.

So I get to slap the hell outta her and she staggers back and falls.

I got up and sat on her grabbed the gun and kept my aim and got up.

Tay POV (before they came)

I woke up and tried to get up. but I was tied up.

My vision smoothed out and I saw Diamond smirking at me.

"Help me over here will ya."i asked trying to get loose.

She stood there laughing and then came towards me.

You don't wanna know what happened then.

26 mins later

I hear Running and screams. my parents got me untied and momma gave me her big ass Black jacket to cover myself up. they helped me get in the truck and mommy drove us to the hospital.

"Mommy. did you get the necklace back."

"No. you worth mo then it. and I couldn't find it."

We pulled up at the hospital and got out.

Three hours later

I went to sleep in the hospital bed and started to dream.

In dream:

I was searching for Jaiden. she disappeared and I set out to find her.

I knew This had something to do wit Diamond do I went to her house. there she was all tied up on a bed. my baby.

End of dream.

I woke up screaming, waking up my mommy.

She jumped up so quick. "what's wrong."She asked walking to the bed.

"I had a bad dream."

"What was it."

"Diamond took Jaiden from me and tied her up in all kinds of nots and I couldn't get her loose."

"OMG. baby it's going to be okay. Jaiden is at home with the kids and momma."

"Okay. What time is it."

"5:16am. you need some rest go back to sleep honey."

She hummed that tone and shortly after I fell asleep and woke up screaming and yelling.

Ma did the same thing but I couldn't go to sleep so I stayed awake while she slept.

So I was watching tv when some shadow came over the window.

It was ...KayLynn & Diamond.

She mugged me and, smiled evilly and turned away.

Now that I think about it they look alike and act alike.

So I turned back to the tv, scared and watched tv while huffing under the cover.

Hey. what can I say?

I'm a 16 year old acting like a 2 year old.

Maybe my vision is acting up. I pinched my self and what do ya know. it wasn't a dream if was reality.

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