Chapter 1-Pilot

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Elena Gilbert stands in front of her locker talking to her best friend, Bonnie Bennett, when her sister's best friend, Caroline Forbes, runs up to her. "Elena. Oh my God. How are you? Oh, it's so good to see you. How is she? Is she good?"

Elena laughs. "Caroline, I'm right here. And I'm fine. Thank you."

Caroline gives her a look. "Really?" Once she sees Elena nod her head in confirmation, she begins a new line of questioning. "What about Jess? Is she okay? Whenever I talk to her she seems okay, but you're her sister so she probably tells you more than me, so is she? Ok, I mean."

It takes Elena a minute to process everything Caroline said, as she was talking too fast, and then she replies. "I think she's doing good. It was hard for her at first, you know, but I think her time away has really helped her."

"Well, that's good right. Maybe she'll be back to normal." Bonnie replies, realizing just how much she's missed Jessica since she left before the second semester last year. "Wait, speaking of Jessica, where is she? I thought she was supposed to be back at school today."

Elena shrugs. "I don't know, Jenna didn't-" Before she can finish, Caroline cuts her off.

"She isn't coming back until Thursday because she said the first few days are useless anyway not to mention she's already done the whole Junior year thing, for one semester at least. The only reason she's repeating it is so she can do cheer again which, thank God, because I don't think I can whip those girls into shape myself. Anyway, got to go make sure Tiki doesn't drink so much coffee that she can't fit into her cheerleading uniform." She smiles at the two, waving before walking off to find Tiki muttering, "Again," under her breath. Something Bonnie and Elena just barely hear.

Elena and Bonnie get back to talking when Bonnie catches sight of a mysterious hottie. Her Grams has been telling her that she's a psychic descended from ancient druids. Bonnie obviously doesn't believe her but she has been having fun making fun of it with Elena. She points out the hottie before following him so they are both standing right outside the office.  "Hold up. Who's this?"

Elena lets out a quiet laugh. "All I see is back."

"It's a hot back. I'm sensing Seattle, and he plays the guitar."

Elena laughs again, this time louder. "You're really going to run this whole psychic thing into the ground, huh?" Elena hears Bonnie answer but is more focused on her little brother, Jeremy, walking into the boys' bathroom. Elena feels guilty. She knows he misses their parents but she feels like he misses Jessica even more. Jessica was very close with both of her siblings so it hurt when she suddenly just up and left. Elena figured Jeremy reacted the same way she did and tried to avoid Jessica at all costs, only talking to her once a month. "I'll be right back," she tells Bonnie before following Jeremy into the bathroom. Bonnie nods her head, not realizing Elena can't see, and continues to watch the new kid, hoping he's hot.


That night, Bonnie and Caroline walk into the grill while Caroline tells Bonnie all the information she got on Stefan. Bonnie's surprised at how much information Caroline had gotten in one day before realizing it's Caroline she's thinking about and the only person more adept at getting information is Jessica Gilbert. She could've taken one look at Stefan Salvatore and told them everything there was to know about him. Now that Bonnie thought about it, maybe Jessica was psychic. She shakes off the odd thought, responding to Caroline, who had finished her rant of Stefan info. "You got all of that in one day?"

"Oh, please, I got all that between third and fourth period. We're planning a June wedding." They both laugh before going to get a table while they wait on Elena.

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