Chapter 29- Werewolves

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Jessica's P.O.V.

It was seven am on a Saturday when Ric called me saying my sister and the Salvatore boys were holding a meeting at the boarding house about the Lockwoods if I was interested. I wasn't but I was already up so I showered and headed to the boarding house to catch the end of a conversation. "Now, why would I know anything about the Lockwood's?" Alaric questions Damon.

"Well, you wouldn't. But your dead, not-dead vampire wife might," Damon responds smirking.

"Why ask Isabelle when you have a supernatural almanac at your service? By the way, thanks for the invite, Sis," I say to Elena, waltzing in and sitting next to Ric, stealing Damon's bourbon on my way.

"I didn't think you'd know anything or want to help because of, you know," she says, gesturing to Damon.

I roll my eyes. "Oh please, you can talk about the breakup, Elena. I'm over it. Ty invited a bunch of college guys to his party and I'm planning on having fun. Besides, I might not care for Damon but I do care about Stefan and Caroline," I tell her.

"Why does it matter if you care about us?" Stefan questions.

"Because a werewolf bite can kill a vampire," I tell him, taking a sip of my bourbon.

"Werewolf?" Damon questions. "Werewolves aren't real, if they were I would've come across one in my 156 years alive."

"They're nearly extinct but in certain places around the world, you'll find them," I answer. "Portland's lousy with them and if you look in the bayou in New Orleans you'll find some more. I've seen them. Seen them turn during the full moon too. It's painful."

Damon, deciding that I'm messing with them, devises a road trip to Duke with him, Ric, and Lena, who has yet to forgive him for breaking my heart. He tries to convince me to come with them but I told him I'm gonna help Stefan with Care and I have a party to get to. After they leave, Stefan and I head to Caroline's house. She immediately begins telling me about how she's been avoiding Matt because she's afraid to hurt him and Stefan tells her that she shouldn't because he's one of her connections to her humanity and convinces her to try feeding on bunnies and Bambi, which I think is a terrible idea.

I leave them to their hunting and head to the swimming hole and see Ty and Matt. I hear Matt talking about Care acting really weird lately and avoiding him, so I step in. "Matt, she isn't avoiding you, she's just a little scared since the accident. She's barely left the house, but I convinced her to come to the party tonight so cut her some slack, please?" I ask with a puppy dog face.

"Oh, don't make that face, you know we can't say no to that," he says laughing.

"Yeah, that's the point," I joke as Tyler goes to talk to his uncle. Matt and I chat for a little while longer before he walks off and Tyler approaches me with a solo cup of cheap beer. He hands it to me and I thank him.

"Yeah, well it's payment because I need to ask you something," he warns.

"Shoot," I answer, sipping the beer.

"My uncle, he came to town and he was looking for this rock and I found it."

"Okay, and you're telling me this why?"

"Because I want to know what it is and you know everything, so," he says shrugging.

I laugh. "Ty, I don't know everything but I can tell you what I know about it, if anything. You have a picture or something?"

"Better, I brought it," he tells me, pulling the moonstone out of his pocket and handing it to me. As soon as I touch it, I know what it is, the stone needed to break the hybrid curse. I place a tracking spell so I can find it again, and give it back.

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