Chapter 21- Date with the Devil

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Damon Salvatore stands in his living room pouring himself a drink, when he feels a presence behind him, instantly knowing it to be Alaric Saltzman. "Are you really this stupid?" He asks before downing his bourbon. Normally, he would kill Alaric, but he knows that Jessica cares for him and he is finally getting back into the brunette's good graces and can't risk another accident. "Guess so," he says, answering his previous question that Alaric ignored. He turns around to see him holding a stake. Damon starts walking towards him but Alaric doesn't even flinch. "Wow. That's courage," he jokes.

"You hurt Jessica," Alaric finally says. Damon looks at him in shock, expecting the history teacher to be here about his wife. "I already knew you turned my wife, I thought you killed her but Jessica told me you turned her, even convinced me not to kill you but you still broke her heart for some girl that didn't even want you."

Damon feels his anger flare-up. "Thanks for the reminder, Buffy, but Jessica already got past that. In fact, she won a date with me in the raffle."

"Yeah, a date she won't have to go on after I kill you. She deserves better and you know it, but you're too selfish to let her have it," Alaric informs him before rushing at him, but Damon hits him in the stomach.

"I don't know if you've ever met Jessica, but she'd be pissed if she knew you were fighting her battles for her and for your information, I do care about Jessica. I screwed up, I get it and I'm trying to fix it which is the only reason you aren't dead right now," he grounds out.

"Well, somebody has to take care of Jessica and Jenna has enough on her plate," Alaric says before rushing Damon again. This time, Damon grabs the stake from him, stabbing him in the abdomen. Alaric begins wheezing for breath.

"Ouch, sounds like I got a lung," Damon jokes before sitting on the couch, grabbing his phone, and texting Jessica.

Meanwhile, Jessica and Elena talk about Isabelle. "So you called her and she answered?" Jessica asks.

"Yeah, and then when she realized it was me, she hung up."

"Look, don't get your hopes up, Lena. She'll hurt you. She already killed some guy for absolutely no reason and I don't want you to get hurt."

"Is that why you didn't tell me you were my biological sister, because you didn't want me getting hurt?"

"No, I didn't tell you because I didn't know how. Not to mention I wasn't 100% sure and why tell you that your mom was a vampire if she wasn't? Why put you through that?" Elena goes to respond, when Jessica's phone goes off. Jessica sees a text from Damon about Ric. "Well, the one thing you did get from Isabelle, besides an amazing sister, is a great stepfather that will let a crying teenager sleep on his couch because she's fighting with her sister. Now let's go, something happened with Ric," Jessica informs Elena, dragging her out to Jessica's car.

On their way to the boarding house, Elena turns to Jessica. "So Ric was the friend you stayed with?" She finally asks.

"Yup, couldn't tell you who it was because it would seem weird unless you knew he was my stepdad and I couldn't tell you that without telling you that Miranda wasn't my mom and I wasn't ready for that yet." Elena nods in understanding and the Gilbert sisters get out of the car and head into the Salvatore house. Once inside, they see Stefan and Damon arguing and on the ground is Alaric Saltzman with a stake in his chest. "What the Hell?" Jessica shouts.

Both brothers look at her, a little scared of her reaction. "Look, Jessica, he came at me," Damon tries to explain.

"Right, and he just did that without a reason?" She questions.

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