Chapter 36- The Return of John Gilbert

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Jessica's P.O.V.

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate Stefan Salvatore? No? Well, I do. It's such a profound hatred I have no idea how to even express it. Stefan left to find Isabelle, which was bad enough to begin with, but then he doesn't even find her, he finds John and brings him back to 'help save Elena' as Stefan put it. How can he even help? By annoying her so much she would kill herself before the sacrifice just to get away from him?

It doesn't matter. I am official moving in with the Forbes until he leaves so I'm not in a constant homicidal state of mind because I don't think that's a good mentality to have 24/7. Speaking of homicide, Damon had to kill Rose after he left her with Elena, who she tried to kill thinking she was Katherine in her hallucinatory state. Elena hid in Stefan's room and Rose got out, killing some people, so Damon had to stake her and give her to Liz so the council doesn't frenzy.

I spent the night comforting him until Stefan showed up telling us about John at which point I promptly went to hide at Caroline's, where I know John won't go since I got the council to think he murdered Richard Lockwood. But as though all of this stuff isn't enough, I still have to go to school, which sucks. I'm really regretting not finishing my Junior year last year.

Caroline and I are heading to have a spa day because of school when we see Tyler waiting outside her house. Caroline sighs. Apparently, he kissed her and she pushed him away because she still has feelings for Matt but I can definitely see her and Ty together. "Hey. How's it going?" Caroline asks, trying to be casual but only succeeding in making me laugh, causing her to glare at me.

"We need to talk," Tyler tells her seriously, confusing me because I feel like the kiss isn't this important.

"Yeah, we do. Listen...I've been thinking about it, and I don't want to over analyze. It was just one kiss, but Matt's still kind of in the picture. We can't go there, Tyler," she tells him and Tyler agrees but I can tell that's not what he came to talk about.

"What happened to my uncle Mason?" Tyler asks.

"What?" Caroline questions while I step in.

"I told you, Ty, I killed him because he threatened Elena. He was going to snap her neck so I snapped his first," I tell him, wondering why he's asking about Mason.

"Why did he threaten Elena?" He questions back.

"I don't know," I lie.

"Fine, then let me tell you. He did it because Stefan and his brother Damon tried to kill him because they're vampires. Am I right?" He questions, making me scoff and turn away. "Hey, I'm talking to you," he yells before slamming me against Caroline's car. Care comes to help me but without thinking, I grab his wrist, breaking it, before kicking his legs out from underneath him and setting the heel of my boot to his throat.

"Listen here, you arrogant asshole," I snarl, making Caroline back away in shock and fear. "I killed Mason because he threatened Elena. I already warned him to stay away from the people I cared about so he tried to rat Stefan and Damon out to the council. Caroline and Elena went to save them so he threatened to kill Elena and tell Liz about Care so I killed him. He deserved it and I don't care if you believe me or not because right now everything in my head is screaming at me to kill you, saying it would be so easy, all I have to do is think it and my magic will do the rest but I'm not and you know why?" I ask and he nods slightly, my heel not giving him much range.

"Because we've been friends since we were five, Tyler, and if you're gonna let some backwater bitch come into town and make you think I'm a liar because she has a vendetta against vampires, fine, be my guest. But if you ever hurt me or someone I care about again, you won't live to see another day, got it?" I ask, removing my heel before turning to get into the car.

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