Chapter 41- Conversations With Elijah.

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Jessica's P.O.V.

Elena and I sit in the Salvatore cellar until early morning, waiting for Elijah to wake up. Don't ask me how neither brother noticed that their girlfriends aren't in their beds because I don't know. Elijah finally gasps awake, seeing Elena. "Katerina!" He says breathless and I get in between them.

"No, it's Elena, Elijah," I tell him and when he sees me his face softens.

"My beautiful Jessica," he says, caressing my cheek, making me step back and share a look with Elena.

"Wow, this Jessica chick really got around. Damon, Klaus, and now Elijah," I say as Elijah begins to gasp for breath and I realize something. He asks what's happening but Elena doesn't know so I answer. "You haven't been invited in, you have to get out of the house now, Elijah," I tell him, worried about how it must be affecting him.

Elijah rushes out and tries to leave as fast as possible, but he keeps running into things, somehow not waking up either Salvatore. I mean it's like they want us to get kidnapped. Damon literally wakes up when the bed creaks slightly but Elijah breaks everything in his path and nothing. Seriously? He finally makes it outside before turning to us at the threshold. "What happened?" He asks, voice scratchy.

"Shh!" Elena tells him, making a motion that the Salvatores can hear, making me scoff. "I'll tell you. Not here. Can I trust you?" She whispers.

"Can I trust you?" Elijah questions both of us and I toss the dagger to him, making him scramble to catch it while I grab my keys. He finally gets a grip on it as I walk through the door, heading to my car. Elena and Elijah both stare at me in shock, probably because I'm not scared of Elijah in the slightest.

"Well, are you two coming or not?" I question and they both quickly walk to my car. Elena lets Elijah have the front seat, for obvious reasons, and I begin driving to my new house. Elijah tells me to go to the Lockwood estate but I ignore him, not wanting to deal with Carol right now. I pull into the driveway of my mansion and my passengers send me confused looks but I just get out, walking into my house as they attempt to follow me.

Elijah realizes that he needs to be invited in as usual but Elena is shocked to find she can't enter either. "Okay, ground rules. This is my house. Nobody can enter without an invitation and I am extending a temporary one to both of you. No offense, Elena, but I don't really want people to know about this place so I can come here to be alone. Do you guys accept these terms?" I ask.

They both nod so I invite them in and Elena looks around the house in awe. "Umm, I'm pretty sure that all our friends could be here and you still would be able to be alone," Elena says but I ignore her, leading my guests upstairs to one of the many guest rooms.

"Here, as I said before, I knew they wouldn't keep their M.V.P. benched for the big game," I tell Elijah, handing him an expensive suit. "I felt kind of bad because I did dagger you after Ric pulled it out because I knew you'd be angry so I bought the nice suit that is tailored to your measurements exactly so you're welcome and don't go after my friends. Glad that's settled," I say, leading my sister out of the room and to the living room.

"How did you get this house?" Elena questions as we wait on Elijah. "Did Damon compel it for you because that's stealing Jessica," she says disapprovingly, making me scoff.

"Oh, spare me the lecture, Elena. Damon doesn't know about this place. It's a new acquisition that I signed the deed for yesterday. Turns out it was a 'forgive me for what I'm about to do that will anger you' gift from my friend, Nik. And before you ask, he's rich so it's paid for," I tell her with an eye roll as Elijah walks down the stairs. They begin to talk and Lena tells him that Klaus is in town when my phone rings. "Hello," I answer.

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