Chapter 32- Masquerade

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Jessica's P.O.V.

It's official, Katerina Petrova has to die. After I got the moonstone and handed it over to Damon, I told him about Mason's phone and we decided to mess with Katherine. What we didn't know was that Katherine had been compelling Jenna, who had let her in on the fact that Stefan and Elena were going strong so she compelled Jenna to stab herself with a knife. Jenna was fine, they gave her a few stitches and let her go home, but Katherine made herself a bad enemy, so we made a plan. We are going to kill her at the masquerade tonight.

Everyone is sitting around while Alaric talks about how to use different weapons, when Bonnie arrives. Jeremy and Stefan tell her that we are planning to kill Katherine and, although shocked, she agrees to help. She walks over to Caroline, who she decided to forgive, even though if anyone had a right to be upset it was Caroline. I sit on the couch drinking some bourbon, thinking about Tyler. I had to tell him about Mason and I had to tell him the truth. I felt like he deserved it and I can't help but think that Tyler hates me now. Mason was his uncle and I killed him.

I'm still thinking about Tyler and how I'll have to see him at the masquerade when Ric approaches me. "Are you having second thoughts?" He asks, sitting down and grabbing the bourbon.

"No, Katherine needs to go, she's a problem. I do feel bad about not telling Lena. I don't like that she's left out, but I know it's for the best," I tell him. He nods.

"So what are you upset about? Is it Damon because if it is I want to tell you something," he says and I nod for him to continue. "Jessica, you're the closest thing I have to a daughter, which is why I need you to stop sending Damon mixed signals because then I have to hear about them and I don't ever want to think of you like that ever again," he says with a disgusted look on his face that makes me giggle.

"I'm not trying, it's just hard because I do still love him, I just don't want to get hurt again, you know?" He nods and I continue. "Besides, I was thinking about Tyler. I told him I killed Mason and now I'm worried he won't speak to me again. I've known him since we were 5 and now..." I trail off, not knowing how to finish.

"Well, I can't say anything about Tyler because I don't really know him but I can tell you that I don't think Damon will hurt you again. He's miserable without you," He tells me before walking off to pour himself a glass of bourbon.


That night, I walk into the masquerade with Caroline. We go over her part quickly before parting ways. I'm supposed to be on the look-out for Katherine and tell the Salvatores if I see her. I walk outside where people are dancing. I watch them for a second before Stefan approaches me. "You look very beautiful tonight, Jessica. Would you like to dance?" He asks. I figure that he wants to ask for help with Elena so I agree. He leads me out to the dancefloor and we begin swaying to the music.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I question.

"Actually, it's about you and Damon," he tells me.

"Look, if this is an I told you so, I don't need to hear it. I've already figured it out, thanks," I inform him, causing him to laugh.

"I was planning on saying the opposite, actually. I didn't get it before, but you make him better, Jessica. He needs you, and I know you see that. He's been trying to act like he's fine, but he isn't. Elena said that you told her that seeing him hurts, well seeing you hurts him as well. Damon's been alive a long time and I've seen him hurt a lot of people, but you know what I haven't seen? I haven't seen him feel this bad about it. I also remember how happy you were with him. So, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think you should give him another chance." After finishing his speech, he leaves me on the dance floor to think over what he said.

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