Chapter 38-A Dinner Party From Hell

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I have to admit, Elijah is smart. Jenna was supposed to show him around the historical sights in Mystic Falls and he requested my presence, saying it was clear I knew a great deal about it, knowing it would piss Damon off no doubt. It worked too, he was very angry when he heard but I couldn't reasonably tell Jenna no, which is why I am standing in front of my house with Elijah waiting for Jenna to get everything for the tours.

"I have to say, the power you showed the night we met was remarkable but it was nothing compared to the magic you truly have, is it?" Elijah questions curiously.

"I don't know, if I'm being honest. I've had magic since I was five, I never thought about it," I tell him honestly before taking Jenna's absence to interrogate Elijah. "Why did you make a deal with Elena if you were planning on letting her be sacrificed anyway?" I ask and he looks at me startled.

"How did you...?" He begins.

"Elena told me what you said. You're a great wordsmith, Elijah, you promised to protect everyone but Elena. She knew she was going to die when she made the deal, but I won't let that happen. I didn't tell the Salvatores, but I get the feeling they know," I tell him and he nods.

"What exactly can they do to me?" He asks cockily.

"Dagger you with a silver dagger dipped in white oak ash," I answer and he looks startled once again, so I elaborate. "I can't tell you for sure if they have it or not but I have good information that my birth mother was in possession of the very thing that can put an Original down and you see, she hangs out with my uncle John, whom I hate, and he hates vampires so I'm sure he gave the dagger to Damon or Stefan, hoping one of them would use it to save Elena and get themself killed in the process," I tell him.

"Why would your boyfriend try to save Elena and why are you telling me this?" He questions.

"Because John thinks Damon is in love with Elena and I'm telling you because even if they put you down, they won't bench their M.V.P. for the big game. They might be stupid, but they aren't complete idiots. Klaus is coming and when he arrives, they'll come to you for help defeating him. I want to make sure my friends don't end up as casualties. Plus, I don't like sabotages. I think they're immoral," I tell him honestly, making him smile.

"You're a very noble woman, Jessica Gilbert," he says as Jenna walks out and we head to start our tour. The tour was going well until Alaric decided to join. Elijah asks about the freed slave properties, making Jenna go back to the car to get the list, leaving me with Elijah, who is purposely antagonizing Alaric and Alaric, who is jealous because John is starting stuff between Ric and Jenna. "Alaric Saltzman. So you're one of those people on Elena's list of loved ones to protect," Elijah states.

"So is Jenna," Ric says.

"You don't have to be jealous. I don't really pursue younger women. It's a joke, Ric, lighten up. Besides, I believe Jessica is also on Elena's list, yet you seem to have forgotten about her," Elijah points out.

"Oh I didn't forget about my stepdaughter," he says emphasizing the relationship between us, making me roll my eyes. "I just know that Jessica can handle herself. You might be an Original, but I'm sure she can take you," Ric says before I finally have enough.

"Well, that's about all the testosterone I can take for the day," I state as Jenna returns so I turn to her. "Well, now that you have an actual historian, who actually enjoys history, I'm gonna go meet Damon at the grill. See you later, love you," I tell her, about to walk away, but she stops me.

"Are you going to be home tonight or are you still staying with Caroline? John hasn't really been around since announcing he was Elena's father and we miss you," she tells me, making me smile.

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