Chapter 6- The Football Game

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Jessica's P.O.V.

Tonight is the first football game and I honestly can't wait. I guess that while I was zoning out Elena and Damon's conversation last night, he convinced her that she should give up on cheerleading, which I would never tell him, but I agree. Elena's been different since the accident, not to mention that she bailed last season. I was a little upset when she told me because it was one of our bonding activities but she seems happier, like a weight's been lifted off her shoulders, so I won't complain.

School was surprisingly easy since the only teacher that tries to start things with me is Tanner and he about cums in his pants every time he talks about how great a football player Stefan is, so he was in a rare good mood today. Apparently, Stefan handed his ass to him yesterday and I missed it because of my stupid car. God, I hope someone recorded it. Right now, I'm in the parking lot looking for my sister to say hi before Tanner's pep rally thing.

I see Stefan so I head towards him, assuming Elena will be joining him soon enough. Right as I breakthrough a big group of tailgaters, my path is blocked. "Well hello, what's a gorgeous girl like you doing out here by yourself?" I can't help the grin that spreads on my face as I spring into his arms.

"Ty, how are you? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever. I called you to say I got in early but you didn't answer."

He looks sheepish, an abnormal look on his handsome face. "Yeah, sorry I was a little busy." At this, I realize what he means and punch him in his arm. He jerks back, shocked that the punch hurt so much. I might be skinny but I'm 5'8" with plenty of hidden muscle.

"Yeah, I heard how busy you were picking on my little brother because you both like the same girl. News flash, Ty, violence is never the answer. Especially now that I'm here because I'll kick your ass if you mess with him and don't even think about telling him that I'm defending him because you men and your pride or whatever." He laughs and shakes his head at me, knowing that I'm serious.

"Ok, I'll leave him alone, J. Just make sure to cheer for me the loudest as payment."

"I don't know, Lockwood, I already promised Matty I'd cheer pretty loudly for him." He rolls his eyes and I grin, "But who knows, maybe I can work you in." We laugh and I head back towards Stefan, who has been joined by my sister. As I walk over, he fastens a pretty necklace that seems familiar, though I can't place why, onto her neck. When I reach them, I catch Stefan say they are a work in progress. "Well, a work in progress means that you have unlimited time to get it right." I wink at them and Elena giggles at my antics.

"Oh hey, Jessica. I didn't realize you were a cheerleader." I think about it and realize that while we talked about cheer last night, I was never mentioned. I go to respond, but Elena beats me to it.

"Oh, Jessica doesn't just cheer, she dictates." She laughs and I join while Stefan seems slightly confused.

I take pity on him and explain. "I'm the captain of the cheerleading squad." He nods as if he understands but Elena starts adding on.

"Captain of the cheerleading squad, queen of Mystic Falls High, chair of every committee in town. You name it, Jessica's a part of it." I roll my eyes at her, knowing she's only joking, and Stefan seems to catch on and laughs too.

"Well, I noticed how close you guys are and I want you to like me since you don't seem to like my brother." I mumble a 'does anybody' under my breath which he seems to hear because he pauses to let out a soft chuckle before continuing, "Which is why I found this bracelet around the house and figured you might like it. I have to warn you, the diamonds aren't real."( bracelet is above)

"It's fine Stefan. It's pretty, thank you." He mutters a no problem and Elena gives him a big smile before kissing him, until she hears Caroline's voice behind her.

"And you're not in uniform because..."


We are sitting at Tanner's pep rally/pep talk thing cheering while he talks, yet again, about how talented Stefan is, when I hear something and turn around to see Tyler and Jeremy fighting. I quickly rush over, hearing Vicki scream for Tyler to stop. Stefan grabs Tyler's wrist and he tries to hit Stefan but he dodges it. Jeremy comes at Tyler with a broken bottle but it gets Stefan instead. While Elena tends to Stefan, who claims the bottle missed him, I turn to Tyler. "What the hell? You said you were gonna stop, Ty." Tyler gets angry at me, as if this is my fault.

"He deserved it, the kid was being a little punk." Suddenly, before anyone can react and quicker than Tyler obviously thought I could move, I punch him in the nose so hard I feel it break under my fist, effectively knock Tyler off his feet.

"Go after my little brother again and I won't stop him next time and if I can break your nose with a punch, imagine what he can do when he's actually trying," I sneer, walking over to Jer to make sure he's okay.

"You know that that was me trying, right?" He asks once I reach him.

"Yup, but he doesn't," I say, winking at him. He laughs and goes to clean up his face while I head to my car to grab a wet wipe to get Tyler's blood off my hand. I make it to the parking lot just in time to see Elena slap Damon across the face, saying she isn't Katherine, before walking off. I reach my car, dig out the wet wipes and begin wiping the blood off.

Once I finish, I head back to the locker room, only to hear Stefan and Damon talking. I press against the field house so they don't see me. "Then kill me." I hear Stefan say.

"Well, I'm... I'm tempted," answers Damon.

"No, you're not. You've had lifetimes to do it, and yet, here I am. I'm still alive. And there you are. You're still haunting me. After 156 years. Katherine is dead. And you hate me because you loved her, and you torture me because you still do. And that, my brother, is your humanity."

Suddenly, I hear Tanner's voice. "Salvatore! What the hell? We've got a game to play!"

Damon says "If that's my humanity...then what's this?" Then, faster than my eyes can track, he speeds over to Tanner and rips his throat out. I hear Tanner scream and Stefan say something, but all I can think is Why didn't I help him? Sure, Tanner and I didn't get on the greatest but he didn't really do anything and now he's just...dead. I'm still thinking this when suddenly, Damon is in front of me. I don't see Stefan behind him but before I can think too much about it Damon begins speaking to me. "You really shouldn't be out here by yourself." He smirks and I can see the blood on his face.

"You killed him. He did nothing to you and you just killed him." Damon looks almost guilty for a second but quickly hides it. He starts to say something but I cut him off. "I told you I wouldn't kill you if you didn't give me a reason to." I quickly stab a stake through his stomach, almost into his heart. "You're lucky that I feel guilty for not stopping you. Go after someone I care about again, and I won't miss next time." I walk away, not even realizing that I said I cared about Tanner, and get ready for the game that will probably be canceled.

Damon's P.O.V.

I watch her walk away, pulling the stake out. She was fast, faster than I would've thought. The stake is out but for some reason, I'm still bleeding. It's like the wound can't heal. I speed away, into the woods, and feel myself bleeding out. This shouldn't happen. I feel myself losing consciousness and all I can think is, Who is Jessica Gilbert? Why does she know about vampires, but Elena doesn't? Why can't I stop thinking about her when I love Katherine and she clearly hates me? I don't have any answers, just like I didn't yesterday. Right before I pass out, I see the sincerity on her face as she tells me that she's sorry that I lost Katherine and Jessica and whisper "Beautiful," before I finally lose too much blood.

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