Chapter 18- Betrayal

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I hate him. I hate Damon Salvatore with every particle of my being. All day I have felt that not only Damon but Elena have been hiding something from me, I just didn't know what. Imagine my shock when I was sitting on my couch watching Jer play video games while Damon and Elena talk in the kitchen and I get a call from Ric, telling me exactly what they were hiding.

Damon kept asking Elena if he could trust Stefan and she finally convinced him he could when my phone rang. Seeing who it was, I went up to my room, not wanting Damon to know Ric knew or Jer and Lena to learn that Miranda wasn't my mother yet. "Hello," I answer.

"Hey, Jessica, can you talk right now?" He asks in a concerned voice.

My body goes on high alert. "Sure. What is it, Ric?"

He sighs. "You might want to sit down, okay?" He pauses, as though giving me time to take a seat, so I sit on my bed. "Stefan Salvatore just showed up here looking for your family's journal. When I went to give it to him, it was gone," he tells me.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Is that all? God, Ric, I thought something bad had happened. I have that journal memorized. I could rewrite it and you can finish it."

"No, Jess, that's not why I called. I had made a copy of it which I loaned to Stefan and when I did, I asked why he wanted it. He said his brother was looking for something, a grimoire to get some girl out of a tomb and he wanted to get it first."

"Are you sure that Stefan knew what he was talking about?" I ask, praying that he is lying.

"I don't know, but he seemed pretty sure. Look, I just don't want you to get hurt," he tells me in a concerned voice.

"Right, thanks for the info, Ric," I tell him absently before hanging up. When I go downstairs, the only person left is Jenna. "Hey, where'd everyone go?" I ask.

"Elena said she had to help Stefan with something and Damon took Jeremy to the grill to see some girl," she gossips.

"Yeah, Anna," I tell her in an absent tone. "He met her at the library. You know, I just remembered that I forgot something at Caroline's that I need to wash for cheer practice tomorrow so I'll be back in a bit, kay?"

"Sure, Sweetheart. Be safe."

"Uh-huh," I mumble before rushing out to my car and heading to where I knew Giuseppe Salvatore was buried.

When I arrive, I know that what Ric told me is true. Damon is there, holding Elena to him, while Stefan holds the grimoire. I've clearly interrupted something but I'm far too angry to care. "God, I can't believe you guys," I spit out with so much venom that all three flinch and Damon releases his hold on Elena, turning to me.

"Jess, it's-" he begins, but I cut him off.

"Don't even try and tell me it's not what it looks like Damon. I don't appreciate being lied to and I think you've already done that enough," I spit. "All of you." I glare at each of them in turn. Stefan and Damon both flinch away and Elena looks down in shame but I can't find it in me to care. "Jesus! You know, when I heard that Stefan was looking for the journal to find the grimoire first, I thought he was just assuming things because you had promised that you didn't care about Katherine anymore. But when you weren't there, I had to check for myself and here you are.

"You lied to me, Damon Salvatore. I trusted you and you broke that. I don't trust people easily and I sure as Hell don't care about them easily and you are the epitome of why. And you wanna know the worse thing?" I ask, not waiting for an answer before finishing. "If you would've told me you wanted to keep looking for Katherine the night the crystal was destroyed, I would've told you about the grimoire and you could've saved yourself the trouble. 'It was Giuseppe Salvatore who removed my fear. He told me he would protect the secret of the spell book. He said he would carry it to his grave'." I quote to them from the journal I had memorized.

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