Chapter 25- Isabelle

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Jessica Gilbert is laying in bed next to Damon Salvatore in his room when she gets a text message from Alaric Saltzman saying that Isabelle approached him at the grill and asking her to have Damon, Elena, and Stefan meet in his classroom the next day. She sends him back a quick 'sure' before laying her head back on Damon's chest. "Who was that?" He asks, staring down at her with love evident in his electric blue eyes.

"Ric. He wants us to meet at his classroom," she begins breaking off to yawn. "He wants Stef and Lena there too."

"Well, we can worry about that tomorrow, right now you need some sleep. You've been helping Elena with Stefan all day. You deserve it."

"I want to make sure she got him before I can sleep," she tells him, her eyes falling shut.

"They just walked in. Now get some rest," he whispers and once he knows she's asleep, he goes to check on his brother, who had been drying out all day and had attempted to kill himself. When he gets down there, Elena heads up to Stefan's room leaving the two brothers alone.

They talk about Stefan's guilt for making Damon turn and Damon tells Stefan that he didn't hate him for forcing him to turn, he hated him because Katherine turned him as well. He tells him it doesn't matter because he has Jessica now and no longer cares about Katherine before going back to his bedroom and falling asleep next to his beautiful girlfriend.


The next day, while the teenagers of Mystic Falls begin making floats for the Founder's Parade, Jessica and Elena go with Alaric into his classroom to talk about Isabelle. Damon arrives late and starts grilling Alaric on what he asked Isabelle about, only to learn that he hadn't asked anything. "What did she want?" He asks.

"She wants to see Elena," Jessica tells him. "Just Elena," she adds, almost sarcastically.

"Why only Elena?" He asks, seeing that his girlfriend is upset, even if she doesn't want anyone to know.

"Because she's an evil slut? I don't know, Damon, but she's threatening a slaughter of the town if we don't obey so Lena has no choice," Jessica tells him, shrugging off the fact that her mom doesn't want to meet her.

After they get done with their meeting, the Gilbert sisters go back to Bonnie and Caroline who have decided to go with an old fashioned theme for the float, which both girls agree on before leaving. Then, Jessica drops Elena at the grill to speak with Isabelle.

At the grill, Elena and Isabelle talk. Isabelle tells Elena that she met Katherine because she was genetically curious, making her believe Katherine would be fascinated by Elena, a fact that makes Elena uncomfortable. Elena asks questions about her birth but Isabelle evades all the Gilbert girl's questions, telling her that she wants the Gilbert device that Damon has and it's Elena's job to get it or the blood will be on her hands.


Later that evening, Damon goes to the house where he suspects Isabelle is staying, only to find she's out. He begins playing strip poker with one of her walking blood bags. He's about to take off his pants when Isabelle walks in. They talk and he pretends to flirt with her, learning that she is working with Katherine, before he gets down to business, slamming Isabelle on her coffee table.

"Now that I have your attention, listen up. You do not come into my town and threaten the people I care about. Going after Elena? Bad move. You leave her alone or I will rip you to bits because I do believe in killing the messenger. You know why? Because it sends a message," he snarls before slamming her on the ground. "Katherine wants something from me? You tell that little bitch to come get it herself."

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