Chapter 40- The Last Dance

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This chapter is dedicated to @Arri11 for keeping me on track when I got distracted by Pinterest when they asked for an update so thank you!!!

3rd Person P.O.V.

In Alaric's apartment, Klaus, inside Alaric's body, showers while Katerina Petrova, who has been having her neck repeatedly snapped, finally begins to wake up to the sound of Alaric's home phone ringing. It goes to voicemail and the voice of Jessica Gilbert chimes out. "Hey, Ric. I was just calling to check-in. I'm not sure if Damon told you but Isabelle killed herself yesterday. I know you said you were done with her and everything but I thought that I didn't care but I don't know, I feel upset about it," she says and pauses as Klaric walks out of Ric's room to ask Katerina's opinion on a shirt but is halted by Jessica's voice.

"It's nowhere near how I felt after my parents but it's still sadness, I guess. I don't know, emotions aren't really my strong suit, but if you want to talk, I'm here and I'll talk to Jenna for you since I'm the only person she's currently talking to. You'll get through it. Got to go I have a umm, meeting. Love you, bye."

Klaric stares at the phone, thinking about Jessica, the first girl he has felt anything for in centuries. While he gets lost in thought about Jessica, Katerina watches him, beginning to piece together how he feels, but before she can get too far, he asks her opinion on which shirt to wear as Klaus hates all of Alaric's wardrobe. He knows that he must be careful, Jessica will know something is wrong, not just from her relationship with Alaric but because of her relationship with Klaus, but he wants to meet the doppelgänger. He needs to know if she is truly worth sparing.

Meanwhile, at two different parts of town, Jessica and Elena Gilbert are both signing the deeds to a house. Jessica's a newly bought mansion even bigger than the boarding house and the Lockwood mansion, and Elena's the boarding house. When Jessica finishes the paperwork, she places a spell on the house so that nobody can enter without invitation, not even humans, before she makes some calls to have the wardrobe that Niklaus had bought her moved into her house so she has some clothes.

She then grabs some clothes from her car and gets dressed for school before heading to the boarding house where Elena has just invited Damon in under the agreement that he will do things her way, even though Damon plans to do what he believes will best benefit Jessica. "Hey Lena, you ready," Jessica asks, walking in.

"Yup, let me just grab my bag," she says. Stefan asks where she is going and she says school. Both Salvatores begin to object but Elena cuts them off. "Look, none of us know when Klaus is coming so I can't stop living my life. I appreciate the safe house and I'll sleep better at night because of it, but I won't be a prisoner. Besides, the way I see it, the safest place I can be is next to Bonnie and Jessica," she tells them, making Jessica shoot finger guns at the brothers before telling her sister she'll be in the car. Elena and Bonnie go to join her and Stefan decides to join them.

When he gets to Jessica's car, Elena offers him the front seat but Jessica denies. "Nope, you have to sit in the back, all three of you. I told Care I would pick her up and she has permanent shotgun," she tells them as Stefan gets into the back seat.

"How did she get that again?" Bonnie asks curiously.

"She let me put the majority of my new and expensive wardrobe in her closet so she had to get rid of her current wardrobe," Jessica answers, and Bonnie laughs.

"Right and that was such a sacrifice for Caroline," Bonnie says and all the girls laugh.


Later that morning, Klaric walks into Alaric's first-hour history class. He immediately sees Elena as well as Stefan Salvatore, a man he knew was in town but still is shocked to see again. He walks to the desk and his eyes are unable to avoid finding Jessica. She is sitting in the back of the classroom, talking to her friend Caroline, whom Klaus remembers from the Skype sessions between the teens during Jessica's time in Europe, and she appears to be painting her fingernail, which makes Klaric smile. Aware he is staring, Klaric clears his throat and begins class.

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