Chapter 26- Founder's Day

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Jessica and Elena Gilbert get ready in their 1800s themed dresses. Elena thinks it'll be fun to see the Salvatores reaction, but Jessica disagrees, having recently learned through her dreams of Jessica Carter, who Damon loved so much he planned to marry, only for her to abandon Mystic Falls after Stefan kissed her in fear of coming between the brothers. Ironically enough, if she had stayed, Katherine never would've been able to do the same.

Jessica had learned this fact about Damon's past love as well as the fact that her doppelgänger had been Damon's first time as well, a fact Jessica had greatly enjoyed. After learning about her predecessor and Stefan, she had tried to push it out of her mind, but accidentally pushed it into Damon's while they were making out this morning and she worried it would get between the brothers.

After they finished getting ready, Alaric drove the two of them, along with Jenna, to the school where the girls would board their float. Unbeknownst to them, the two brothers had already arrived and were currently in an argument. "Look, I'm just saying that Elena isn't Katherine, so don't get any ideas," Stefan tells his brother, still unconvinced that what Isabelle said was planned by the eldest Gilbert.

"Oh, that is rich coming from you, brother," Damon snarks back.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Stefan asks, unsure where his brother's vicious tone had come from.

"Jessica got another one of her little dream visions and accidentally showed me all about how while I was away at war, fighting so I could come back and marry her with father's blessing, something you knew, you were taking the opportunity to kiss the love of my life, so I'll tell you this Stefan, Jessica Gilbert is not Jessica Carter. They may look the same, but they are different and if you try and come between us, you'll wish you were dead. And I wouldn't try kissing this one because she might just kill you for it," he tells his brother as they both turn.

As soon as they catch sight of the Gilbert sisters, they begin to question the words they had just traded as Elena look eerily like Katherine in her dress and Damon couldn't stop focusing on how Jessica not only looked like his old lover, but that the dress she was wearing seemed to look like the one Jessica had worn the day he left for the war. Shaking off their thoughts, the Salvatore brothers joined the Gilbert sisters and got situated on the Miss Mystic float with Jessica and Damon on the top level after Caroline had taken about a thousand photos.

After the parade was finished, Jessica went to find her aunt or Jeremy, only to run into Anna, who told her about the tomb vampires' plan to attack the Founding Families. She tells Anna to go warn Jeremy and heads to go find her boyfriend. She arrives in time to hear the end of his conversation with Alaric. "You know I never pictured being a dad, but Jessica is like my daughter, so hurt her and I won't stop until I kill you, that is if she doesn't kill you first," Alaric tells Damon, making Jessica smile.

"Don't worry, Ric, I wouldn't dream of it. I love her, okay? I'm not just saying that, I mean it. Not because she looks like the first girl I fell in love with or because she is the opposite of everything Katherine was, because those things aren't true. Well, I mean she does look like my first love, but if she looked like Elena, I might think she was Katherine with how calculating she is, but that isn't the point," Damon says, making Alaric look at him confused on what exactly Damon's point was. "The point is, I love her because she is amazing. She is the perfect contradiction. She is one giant enigma and I love her for that and I don't think I will stop, so don't worry about me, Ric," he finishes before heading to the door of the grill, only to see Jessica.

He goes to speak but she cuts him off by pulling his lips to hers. Just like always, Jessica forgets everything when kissing him, including the tomb vampires. Damon pushes her against the wall of the grill but her big dress gets in the way. "You know, I don't miss this fashion trend," he whispers against her lips.

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