Chapter 31- Kill or Be Killed

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I was heading to the park for the Historical Society volunteer day that Caroline is in charge of, one of the few things we didn't sign up for together, when I get a call from Tyler. I head over to his house and as soon as I knock, he opens the door. He looks around the house, hella shady, as he leads me into his father's study. He closes and locks the door before turning to me. "Are you gonna tell me why you called me here because right now I'm like eighty percent sure you're going to murder me," I say.

"Yes, I'm gonna tell you. I was talking to Mason...wait why eighty percent?" He asks.

"Because I know you and you lured me into your house and are acting very creepy, which gives off a serial killer vibe, which should scream a hundred percent but you told me you were in love with me once and it didn't ruin our friendship when I turned you down. This makes me believe that if you were gonna kill someone, it wouldn't be me because you value our friendship," I explain to him like it's obvious because to me, it is.

"Right, well anyway, I was talking to Mason and I wanted to know if you believe in all that stuff you were telling me about the moonstone," he says.

"Of course I do. I've seen it," I tell him.

"What do you mean you've seen it?" He asks curiously.

"Ty, I traveled the world for months. You'd be surprised what I've seen. Why do you ask?"

"You have to promise not to tell anyone okay?" He asks so I nod. "Mason said that he's a werewolf and I have the gene, but Jess, he said to become one I would have to..." He trails off so I finish for him.

"Kill someone," I say, making him look at me in shock. "Not necessarily. Someone has to die and so long as nature can trace it back to you somehow, it triggers the curse. Mine was triggered when Miranda died either because she was in the car since I wouldn't drive or because she was looking back at me while I talked to her, causing her to die on impact."

He looks at me in shock before speaking. "You're a werewolf? Does that mean-" I cut him off.

"Elena and Jeremy aren't. The gene was dormant in our line, it originated in New Orleans but for years nobody triggered it because they would be persecuted. The reason it popped up in me is because I'm a witch," I tell him, shocking him even more.

"You're a witch and a werewolf?" He asks and I nod. "Does anybody else know about this?" He questions curiously.

"Just Damon and Caroline. I needed to tell someone so I told Damon and Care figured it out when I stopped Mason from attacking her," I inform him.

"That was you?"

"Yup, and I'd appreciate if you kept this to yourself. I only told you so you'd know you have someone other than Mason to talk to because that dude seems super shady," I tell him. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a park to beautify or whatever. See ya, Ty," I say with a wave before getting in my car and driving to the park.

As soon as I get there, Caroline ambushes me, telling me what happened with Katherine and that she thinks she should tell Elena because she's worried their fight is getting real. I assure her that they were making out in her room this morning but if she wants to tell her to go for it but beware of Katherine.

We start painting a veranda and Elena joins us. Caroline begins complaining about Liz trying to be a mom. "So suddenly, she's in the running for Mother of the Year just when I'm trying to avoid her the most. I'm babbling, you don't want to hear all this," she says, noticing Elena isn't really listening.

"Oh, no, sorry. Then what happened?" Elena asks.

"Well, I was a bitch, which is par for the course with us," she responds like it's obvious.

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