Chapter 35- Full Moon

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Jessica's P.O.V.

The next morning, Bonnie came over and got me from my room where I gave her the fake moonstone before running into Elena's room in false excitement. She told Elena the story I had come up with the previous night, saying that she thinks she might be able to de-spell it so the sacrifice can't happen. Elena tries to argue that we can't or we'll get ourselves killed, making Jeremy enter. Bonnie and I leave with him to go get something to drink while Bonnie leaves the moonstone in her bag.

We sit in the kitchen for a while to see if Elena will take the bait. We hear her come down the steps so we go into the foyer. "Where are you going?" Bonnie asks her.

"To see Stefan," Elena lies. "I figured I should tell him about the moonstone."

From the top of the stairs, Jeremy yells, "Yup, she took the moonstone," holding Bonnie's bag to show its absence of the stone.

"Klaus killed Katherine's entire family just because she crossed him. I can't let that happen," Elena tells us before trying to exit the door, only to be stopped. "What the..."

"Yeah, I thought you might still be on your suicide parade," I tell my little sister. "So I made sure you couldn't go through with it. Put a little spell on the moonstone. If anyone tries to leave with it, they get trapped in the house until I either remove it, someone siphons it, or I die. So if I were you, I'd try not to fight with me."

"So what, that's your plan? Klaus tries to take the moonstone and gets trapped in the house indefinitely?" Elena asks.

"Actually, that's not a bad plan," I say to Bonnie and she nods her head as if seeing the appeal. "Too bad Klaus won't be coming for that seeing as it's a fake and all," I say with a smirk.

"What?" Elena asks, shocked.

"I know, I did a great job with that spell if I do say so myself. As I said, I didn't trust you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a boyfriend to see and then a couple of friends to help," I inform her before walking out the door and making my way to the boarding house.

When I arrive, I walk in to hear Stefan and Damon fighting. "Look, we don't know much about Klaus but Isabelle might be able to tell us something we don't know," Stefan yells.

"We have Jessica, she's more informed than Rose's recently deceased friend Slater was," Damon argues.

"Yeah and you see how that turned out for him, you want that to be Jessica?" Stefan retorts, making Damon stop talking.

"So what, you just thought, I'll go look for the wicked bitch herself and not ask Elena and me how we feel about our mother popping back into our lives? Or Ric about how he'll feel if his wife showed up? He's finally in a good place with Jenna and if you ruin that," I start to threaten Stefan but Damon cuts me off, putting his arm around me and whispering for me to stop. I take a deep breath before continuing. "Isabelle won't know anything I don't but you'll go after her anyway. Might want to stop and see your girlfriend though. I had to place her on house arrest."

"What?" Both Salvatores ask, so I tell them what happened.

"So now she can't leave until I let her out. Look, I have to go because I promised Caroline and Tyler I would help with his transition. Remember Stefan, we all want Elena safe, me more than anyone, so if you truly believe that Isabelle has some kind of information I don't, then go ahead and look, just give Ric a heads up," I say before kissing Damon and heading to the grill to meet up with Tyler and Caroline.

As soon as I get there, we begin to drive to the old Lockwood property as Tyler tells us that some chick named Jules came looking for Mason. Apparently she's making a big fuss about the story Carol told her of how Mason died. "I just feel bad for her you know? I want to tell her the truth because what if they were like, together," Tyler says making me sigh.

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