Chapter 20- Secrets Revealed

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Jessica's P.O.V.

It's been three days since Sheila Bennett's funeral, that Bonnie left town after. It's been five days since I got drunk and slept with Damon and as much as my mind tells me I should, I don't regret it. Every day since that night I left to comfort Bonnie, Damon has shown up at our front door with breakfast for me. The first couple of days, I was angry so I gave it Jeremy, but then I realized that Damon had to tell me the truth so I starting eating the food he brought and stopped ignoring his calls. I should probably mention that I came back home. I decided that if I was going to forgive Damon, I should forgive my sister because even if her intentions were misguided, she is my sister. Although I still have yet to talk to her so...

I'm thinking about this as I drink the smoothie Damon brought me this morning, when I see Jenna and Elena talking in the kitchen about Elena's birth mom. Jenna tells her how her search led her to a Trudie Peterson and that she now suspects that Elena's mom might be Ric's wife, Isabelle Flemming, who disappeared, but tells Elena to talk to Trudie to be sure. She gives Elena the address before standing and walking out of the kitchen. On her way past me, she whispers soft enough that Elena doesn't hear, "You should talk to her. Tell her about Isabelle being your mom. You should tell Jer too," she tells me before going to her room, saying she has to meet Ric to help set up for the fundraiser.

I had convinced Ric to do the raffle that Caroline and I had organized and I hoped that Jenna would win a date with Ric so much that I was considering rigging it but I figured I'd let fate have its way. Plus, if he goes on a crappy date with someone else, he would realize what a catch Jenna is and forget about his wife that left him.

I'm thinking about Jenna and Ric when Elena stands and goes to walk out of the kitchen, only to see me standing there. I'm practically bursting, having not told anyone about Damon and I, but I was the first person Elena told about her and Matt so I was waiting to tell Elena first even if I didn't know why. "Hey, Lena, can I talk to you, in my room?"

She looks at me, surprised I'm talking to her, which I can't blame her for. "Yeah, sure." She follows me up to my room and I shut the door, locking it, and shoving a towel from my hamper under the door, pretty much soundproofing my room. I turn towards Elena and lead her to the bed.

"Ok, I want to start by saying I'm still pissed and if you ever do something like that to me again I can't guarantee I will forgive you because I don't really want to forgive you now but I have something that I want to tell you first and that is the only reason you are forgiven. Understand?" She nods her head and I sigh before a smile breaks out on my face. "Ok, so you've probably noticed that Damon keeps bringing me breakfast to get into my good favor, well there's a reason. I haven't fully forgiven him either but I figured I should try with you since I'm trying with him and-" she cuts off my ramblings.

"Jessica, what was the big news?" She asks impatiently.

"I lost my virginity," I blurt out.

She looks at me shocked before giving me the reaction I expected. "What?" She screeches. "When? With whom?"

"The night you opened the tomb," I tell her.

"So that's why your hair looked like sex hair."

"Yes, now don't interrupt because you have to understand everything and I don't need any of your judgment until it's over, got it?" She nods again. "After I got your text, I thought I would be happy, but I wasn't. I felt bad for Damon because I knew how much it hurt when I thought he didn't care about me so I went to the boarding house. I was drunk and definitely shouldn't have been driving but I was too focused on Damon. When I got there, he was pretty drunk as well and we started fighting and then he told me he loved me and not Katherine and didn't realize that until that night. I didn't believe him at first but I made sure it was true and then I slept with him."

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