Chapter 24- Miss Mystic Falls

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Jessica's P.O.V.

Today's the day. Today we find out who is on the Miss Mystic court and I'm practically brimming with excitement. Caroline and I spent the whole car ride to school talking about it and we're still talking about it when Care sits next to me in History, not caring that her seat is in the front. "I'm just not sure that I'll make the court," I tell her, thinking about all the ways Carol has stopped me from winning in the past. She might want Tyler and I to end up together, but I think even that is just a ploy to take control of the council for good.

"Are you kidding me, Jess? You've been on the court since you were fifteen," Caroline argues.

"Yeah, and I've never won. I wouldn't put it past Carol to throw out my application since she's run out of excuses for why I can't win."

"You'll make it and this is no doubt the year you'll win," she says in a detached voice.

"Care, if anything, this will be the year that I actually deserve to lose. If anyone deserves Miss Mystic other than me, it's you." She laughs as Alaric begins class.

"Okay, this week we're gonna set aside our regular curriculum for a lesson in local history as we approach Founder's Day. Apparently the community leaders feel it's more important than World War II but hey, what do I know?"

"Hey, don't knock the Founder's celebrations," I tell him.

"Yeah, Queen Jessica will have your head for talking about her organization skills," Tyler jokes.

"At least I have organization skills," I retort. Before the argument can escalate like it normally does, Alaric cuts us off.

"Thank you for the colorful exchange as always you two," he begins but before he can get too far, the door opens and Bonnie hustles in.

"Sorry I'm late."

"Well, it looks like we will be at full occupancy today. Welcome home, Bonnie." I watch her as Elena smiles at her, which Bonnie returns until she notices something and her smile falls. I shake it off, happy to see she's back and when Alaric has his back turned, I pass a note up to her.

After school, I'm talking to Damon, who has apparently been assigned to work with John on the blood bag disappearance by Liz. He said that John told him that he had a lead on Katherine to try and get Damon to work with him so I told him to run with it and pretend that he still cared about her. He reluctantly agreed, asking why I wanted him to do it so I explained that I think John is working with Isabelle, who I think is connected to Katherine and that's how he knows so much about the Salvatores. I explained that not knowing how he really feels about me and thinking he still loves Katherine gives us the advantage and he agreed.

Suddenly, Caroline runs over to me. "We're on it! We're on it!" She yells. I turn to her, completely forgetting about Damon, and start yelling with her.

"We are? Let me see it." I grab the list from her. "Elena made it too. We can all get ready together! Oh it's going to be so much fun. We have to go tell her," I claim and it's then that I realize Damon is still on the phone. "Sorry, I have to go. I'll see you tonight. Try not to kill John, remember I've spent seventeen years with him and refrained. Oh, will you be my escort for Miss Mystic Falls, please?" I beg, knowing he doesn't like Founders' events.

I can hear the smile in his voice when he answers, "I would love to be your escort, Miss Gilbert," he jokes.

I giggle before playing along. "Why thank you, Mr. Salvatore. I have to go. See you later, oh and Bonnie's back and she kind of blames you guys for Sheila's death so bye," I say before hanging up and following Caroline over to my sister and Bonnie.

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