Chapter 11- Halloween (Part 1)

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Jessica's P.O.V.

Damon called me this morning to tell me that Vicki fed and they are keeping her at the boarding house because she doesn't have a daylight ring. He asks me to come over before school while Stefan is hunting for, as Damon said "His bunny blood." I told him I would, which is why I am standing in front of the Salvatore boarding house waiting for Damon to let me inside. "Hey, you made it," he says with a smile on his face that makes me smile too.

"I said I would. I don't really like lying."

"Right, well I figured you might, um, want to talk to Vicki or something."

I give him a confused look. "I thought you said you wanted to talk?"

"Did I? Oh, I mean yeah, I, uh, I just thought you might want to see Vicki first," he stutters out. I don't think I've ever heard Damon stutter, he doesn't seem the type. I shrug it off and follow him to the living room where Vicki is laying on one of the couches.

"Hey Vicki, How are you? Need me to get you anything?"

She looks at me confused, "Jessica? What are you doing here?"

"Damon thought you might want to talk to someone. I guess with the cravings it's better someone you don't have too much of an emotional connection with," I say frowning, remembering how close Vicki and I used to be before she got into drugs. I never judged her and she knew that, she just starting hanging out with whoever could get her the next fix.

She looks at me before launching herself into my arms. "I'm so scared, Jessie. I almost hurt Jeremy. I'm so sorry. I know you probably hate me now," she cries.

"Oh, Vic, I could never hate you. You were my best friend once and I don't blame you about Jer, you didn't know and you stopped yourself, do you know how hard that is for most new vampires? He cares about you, Vic, no matter what, and I don't care about anything as long as you make him happy," I tell her honestly. Damon told me they are trying to get her on animal blood and I hope that it works, not only for Jeremy and Matt's sake but also for Vicki. We might not be close anymore, but I don't want to lose my friend.

She pulls away and wipes her eyes. "Thanks, that means a lot. Sorry about that. My emotions are all over the place."

"Don't worry about it. Well, if you don't need anything, I'm gonna talk to Damon before I head to school." She nods her head and I begin to follow Damon to the foyer but pause and turn around. "Hey Vic, can you not tell anyone that I know about all this?"

She smiles at me. "Of course." I smile back before entering the foyer.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I ask, feeling awkward, a feeling I'm not used to and definitely don't like.

"I didn't realize you and Vicki were friends," he says, throwing me off as I didn't expect him to say that.

"Um, yeah we used to be but, you know, circumstances changed and everything." He nods his head before looking at me for a second. I don't think he's going to say anything else and start to turn to leave but his voice stops me.

"I'm sorry." I turn and look at him quizzically. "I shouldn't have turned Vicki. I was angry and sometimes I do impulsive things and I don't think about how it might affect others. So I wanted to say sorry and thank you." I give him another look and he clarifies. "For telling me about Logan. He tried to kill my brother but I killed him first and I might not have been prepared if you hadn't told me."

I smile at him. "I'm glad you saved your brother, Damon, and you don't need to thank me. I'm just glad you're okay. As for turning Vicki, I'm not the one you need to apologize to," I say, my smile turning sad. "I'll see you later, I need to get to school. Care has a Halloween costume for me to wear to the haunted house thing tonight." He nods to let me know he understands and I start towards the door but before I get too far, I turn around and place a kiss on his cheek. "Bye Damon," I tell him before leaving and heading to the school.

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