Chapter 9- Damon Salvatore

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Jessica's P.O.V.

It's official, Stefan did something to Damon. I don't know what because he didn't tell Elena, who he is apparently trying to keep out of the supernatural, but I know he's the reason Damon disappeared the night of the Founder's party. It's three days after my birthday and the cheerleaders are doing this charity bikini car wash. It was Care's idea but man do I look good in a bikini.

I was helping Tiki wash a car when I see Caroline walking away from the car wash. I am not about to let her get out of this because I didn't even want to come. I follow her, calling out her name, but she doesn't even turn around. I follow her through the woods all the way to the Salvatore Boarding House and that's where it hits me. Of course Stefan would keep Damon in the cellar, it's a prison cell designed to hold vampires.

I'm suddenly broken out of my thoughts when I realize that Caroline is no longer in front of me and I realize that Damon must have lured her here to let him out and then feed on her. Well, I'll be damned if I let him kill my best friend. I run inside and hurry to the cellar getting down there just in time to watch Damon snap Zach's neck. I don't have time to mourn for my friend right now as I run back up the stairs with Caroline hot on my heels, until suddenly, I hear her fall on the step. I turn to see Damon has her ankle and before I can think she kicks him and I grab her arm, throwing her towards the door. She turns back to me once she reaches it, realizing I'm no longer behind her. "Go, Caroline, I'll be fine. Leave me." I can tell she doesn't want to listen but eventually turns and leaves.

I feel him behind me and he grabs my shoulder, about to feed on me, when he falls to the ground, holding his head in pain. "Ahh, what are you doing?" He screams.

After a few more minutes, I let him go. He's panting and sweating and the pain on his face almost makes me feel guilty until I think about Caroline and Zach. "That's for trying to kill Caroline, twice, and actually killing Zach," I spit out venomously.

"What the Hell are you?" He questions before passing out of the ground. I look at him, then at the door, before sighing and dragging his unconscious body onto the couch as I wait for him to wake up.


Damon finally woke up about an hour later. I was actually about to leave because I was bored with waiting on him but right as I was about to walk out the door, I heard him groaning and turned back to him. "Oh good, you're awake. Took ya long enough, don't you think?" I ask sarcastically. He just groans in response before getting at least some of his bearings.

"What the Hell happened?"

"Well, you attacked Caroline at the Founder's party and Stefan caught you," I start, but he cuts me off.

"Yeah, I got all that. I meant what happened today."

"Oh, you lured Care here to free you and then presumably drain her since you've been in a cell for 5 days desiccating." He looks at me, confused about how I know that. "You look pale like you haven't been eating. Anyway, I followed Care, watched you kill Zach, dick move, by the way, then helped Care escape. You tried to attack me but then you got a migraine and passed out. Probably from hunger." I say, knowing I'm leaving something out. Apparently, Damon knows it too.

"No, you gave me a migraine. The question is how?"

"Take a wild guess and I'll tell you if it's right."

"Probably something you got from your ancestor. Jonathan Gilbert was a pain in the ass."

"Yeah, the current one is too." I hold my wrist out to him. "Now feed and I'll tell you whatever you want to know."

He looks at it then back to my face, confused. I nod my head and he thinks of what he wants to know. "Was I right? Oh, and what have I missed?"

He bites down and I hold in a gasp before answering. "No, I gave you the migraine because I'm like, a witch, I guess. As for what you've missed, not much. Stef and Lena were fighting because he disappeared for a couple of days and she thought you hurt Care and Stef was being suspicious but Jer helped him get her to eat this nice meal he cooked while he told her about Katherine. Care is still confused about what happened that night and I was going to kill you but I couldn't find you. My birthday was a few days ago and I got a new car and shit ton of clothes and that's about it." He stops feed from my wrist and trails his eyes over my body.

"If you got a bunch of clothes, why aren't you wearing any?" He asks and I then realize that I am in my bikini and some very short jean shorts.

"I was working the car wash before I followed Care here." He nods his head before speaking again.

"Happy belated birthday and thanks." I nod my head. "If you were gonna kill me, why did you help me? And how are you a witch and if you are does that make..." He trails off, thinking.

"Elena one?" I question and he nod. "Honestly, I don't know. She's never showed the signs."

"What signs?"

"Maybe let me answer the other questions before you start asking more," I joke. He lets out a soft chuckle. "Signs, you know like the lights used to flicker when I threw a tantrum when I was a kid. It wasn't until I accidentally made our t.v. explode because my dad wouldn't let me watch SpongeBob that Bonnie's mom told them I might be a witch. She did some tests and confirmed it but a few years later, she left. No one knew but my parents and me so they told me about all the supernatural."

"But how did you become one because no offense but the Gilberts aren't exactly..." He trails off, obviously scared to offend me.

I laugh. "I don't think I got it from the Gilbert side of the family."

"So does that mean Jeremy and Elena can.."

"No, they can't. I'm not sure about Elena but like I said, no signs. As for Jer, we have different moms. Greyson was my father but Miranda wasn't my birth mother, even though she treated me like I was her bio daughter." Damon looks at me like he's not only processing everything I have just told him, but also trying to figure me out.

Suddenly, he smirks before asking, "So why didn't you kill me?"

"What?" I ask, not expecting the question.

"You said after what I did to Care you were gonna kill me and you said if I went after someone you cared about again you would kill me and clearly you cared for Zach, so why didn't you?"

I think about it for a second before answering honestly. "Zach and I were friends and I wanted to hurt you for hurting him and Care but when I saw you passed out on the floor with such a pained look on your face, I couldn't kill you. I wanted to help. It probably doesn't help that I know what you've gone through."

"What?" He asks, taken aback.

"You know, with your father and Katherine and your brother."

"How did you..."

"Oh, sorry. I guess I forgot to mention that I have this weird witchy power that when I touch people, or even sometimes objects, I get these dreams afterwards, like memories, but not mine. When I first met you, you shook my hand after introducing yourself and that night I woke up having dreamt about your dad beating you, your love for Katherine, trying to save her, getting shot by your dad, Stefan making you turn, finding out she was alive, and waiting for the comet to pass to get her out. I mean, that is why you're here, isn't it? To free Katherine?"

"How did you," he starts before realizing something. "I didn't shake your hand when we first met."

"Yeah, you did. The night of the bonfire, the night my parent's car went off Wickery Bridge. You tried to compel me but-"

"It didn't work because you were a witch." I nod. "You haven't.."

"Told anyone? No. Not about when we first met or what you and your brother are. Although, if I had to hedge a bet, I'd say Lena is pretty close to figuring it out."

"Wait, if you've known all this time why didn't you tell her? What about that whole 'practically twins' spiel?"

"My parents didn't want her to know so I promised I wouldn't tell her unless she asked and she hasn't so..."

"So she doesn't know you know?"

"Nope. Nor does she know I'm a witch. No one does except me and Abby but as I said, she left." He nods his head and I look down at my phone. "Oh, I have to go but it was actually pretty nice talking to you, Damon. Believe it or not, you're actually tolerable when you aren't acting like a cocky dick. Good luck with everything. Oh, and if you didn't notice, Stef took your daylight right. B.T.Dubs don't tell anyone about me or I will shove a stake through your heart. Bye," I say waving as I walk to the door. I can feel Damon's eyes on me the whole way out, but I don't turn around once.

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