Chapter 12- Halloween (Part 2)

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Damon's P.O.V.

I watch Jessica as she walks out the door and then I open it and watch her get in her car and drive away. Once I can no longer see her car, I close the door and turn around to see Vicki standing there with a grin on her face. "You like her," she says, and I look at her in confusion.


"Jessica, you like her." I scoff and roll my eye. "What, it's so obvious. I wouldn't feel too bad about it. Everyone falls for her at one point or another," she continues walking back into the living room. I don't know why, but I don't like the fact that she knows how I feel about Jessica and I feel that if I follow her it would confirm her suspicions. Eventually, my curiosity gets the better of me and I follow her.

"What do you mean everyone falls for her?" She turns to me with a smirk, glad she got my attention.

"Oh, you know, she pretty and smart so everyone can't help but like her. Tyler and my brother both got it. Ty would never tell Matt but he asked her out. So did Matt but she turned them both down. She turns everyone down. Never had a boyfriend before. I wouldn't be shocked if she's never kissed anyone before. She's just never found someone good enough. So good luck I guess," she laughs.

"How did you know I liked her anyway?" I can't help but wonder.

"You compelled me to tell you what I knew about her. When I died, I remembered. Plus, you watched her until you couldn't see her anymore. That's what Matt used to do until he told her how he felt and she told him he actually liked Elena so he just took her advice. Then he and Elena started dating until she broke Matty's heart." I nod my head, processing everything she said, before heading to my room, leaving her in the living room.


That night, I'm sitting in the grill drinking some bourbon, thinking about going to the Mystic Fall High's Haunted House. I know Jessica will be there and I want to see her but I don't want to tell her that Vicki escaped and it was my fault. I'm debating with myself when I notice Mayor Lockwood and his wife. I see the mayor leave and go start a conversation with his obviously drunk wife. "Let me guess. Daisy Buchanan. I love a good 'Gatsby' look."

"I've seen you before. You were at the Founder's party. It's Damon, right?" She asks me.

"Ah, you remember?"

"Well, you have a face that's hard to forget. What's your last name, Damon?"




"Are you any relation to Zach?"

"Zach's my uncle. How do you know Zach?" I try to compel her but it doesn't work.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I think there's something in my eye," I cover, remembering something Jessica had mentioned about vervain and realize the council must have some.

"Well, I know Zach from the Founder's Council. You know, the Salvatores were one of this town's original settlers."

"Yes, they were. I wasn't aware that Zach was a member. I just recently moved back home and haven't really had a chance to meet many of his friends."

"Well, will you tell him to return my calls? I've left several messages," she informs me and I realize that Zach must be the one supplying the vervain. I feel my phone vibrate and see a message from Stefan saying Vicki is at the school looking for Jeremy. I would go help but I think this might be my chance to take Zach's spot on the council so I quickly text Jessica, knowing she can handle it, before turning back to Carol.

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