Chapter 27- The Return

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A/N Longer Chapter but there was a lot of information to fit. Cut out the funeral because Jessica wouldn't be involved in the Katherine things and she would've just comforted Tyler the whole time as they are friends.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Elena Gilbert waits in her house for her boyfriend when she sees him being stopped by the police at the front door. She has them let him in before leading him up to her little brother's room. Stefan walks over to Jeremy, taking his face in his hands to determine if he is in transition or not. Anna's body, which Damon had brought over earlier is now gone as she had left, already determining Jeremy would be okay and not wanting to cause more trouble. "Come here. Look at me. Shh," he tells him. Jeremy hits his hand away.

"I'm fine, okay? I feel exactly the same," Jeremy says.

"Should I call a paramedic up here? What should I do?" Elena asks, scared for her younger brother.

"No, he's fine," Stefan assures her, allowing her to relax just slightly, glad to avoid at least one disaster of the long night.

"You mean I'm not a vampire? Damn it!" Jeremy exclaims, upset not only about the events of the night but the fact that Anna was gone when he woke up.

"Don't say that, Jeremy! Jer, why would you want that?" Elena questions, worried about her brother once again, her moment of solace forgotten.

"Did you hear about Anna, what happened to her tonight? She almost died," he tells his sister.

"Jeremy, Jeremy. Come here, sit down," Stefan tells him, pushing him onto the bed, unaware that his brother and Jeremy's other sister were rushing up the stairs to check on Jeremy after hearing what happened. "I am very sorry about Anna, but it's very important that you listen to me right now. With every passing moment, Anna's blood is leaving your system. If you try to kill yourself right now, you could really die." Jeremy looks away and Stefan grabs his face again. "Hey!" He says slapping the teen. "Do you understand me?!"

"Yelling at him isn't going to help, Stefan. Why don't you take your girlfriend and your brother and let me handle mine," Jessica says in such a controlled tone it causes a shiver in everyone in the room. They can sense her anger, even her siblings even though they are human. Stefan leads Elena out, mentioning the hospital and Damon kisses his girlfriend, saying he'll check on Caroline. Jessica nods, waiting for Damon to exit before turning to her brother. "What the hell, Jer?" She asks in what can only be described as a motherly tone, causing Jeremy to tear up and hug his older sister.

"I was scared, Jessica. I almost lost Anna and I didn't ever want to feel like I couldn't protect her again," he cries.

"Oh, Jer, you don't have to worry about that. Had you been a vampire tonight you would've only died for nothing because I had made a ring for Anna to keep her safe for you," she tells him, trying to comfort him but not quite understanding how he's feeling. "I can't pretend to know how you feel right now because I've never felt it, but I know that Anna cares about you and she wouldn't want the vampire life for you because Damon, who relishes in vampirism, doesn't want it for me. She may have given you her blood but that's because she didn't want you to leave her and if in a few more years you decide that being a vampire is what you want, then okay, but don't make a decision you can't take back on fear of losing Anna like you lost Vicki."

"Ok, I won't," he promises before pulling away. "Are you going to yell at me now?" He asks, slightly afraid until Jessica smiles.

"No, I get why you did it. I mean, I pretended to feel the pain so I could save Damon and Anna so I don't have room to judge and you know how I hate hypocrites," she jokes.

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