Chapter 28- My Best Friend's A Vampire

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I've never been in a real breakup before. I've never been cheated on before. Newsflash, it sucks. I wouldn't recommend it. Every time I think about Damon, I want to cry my eyes out and then drive a stake through his heart so you would think that a normal person would stop thinking about him but it's like I can't stop. I hate Damon. I hate him for cheating on me, I hate him for trying to kill Jeremy, but more than anything, I hate him for making me feel broken.

I don't want my siblings to know how much this whole thing is affecting me so I sneak out early in the morning to go visit Caroline. The school's annual carnival is tonight and we have been planning it since summer over skype. As I get to the hospital, I hear my phone chime and look down to see a message. Nikki😜- I heard what happened, Love. I truly am sorry things didn't work out, but maybe it's for the best. If you want to back out on the deal we made at the pageant, I understand. Always and Forever- N.M.

I stare at the message for a few moments before replying. J.G.- No, I want her gone and I want her to know that I'm the reason. I send before walking into Caroline's hospital room. It's super dark so I walk over to the curtain and open it to wake her up like she does to me. As soon as the window is open, Caroline is no longer in her bed but across the room in a dark corner. "Care, are you okay? It's me, Jessica, your best friend," I tell her, approaching her slowly and wondering if she suddenly got amnesia or something.

"I know, just close the curtain, please. It's like it burns," she says, making my stomach drop.

"Care, I need you to let the light hit a part of you really fast, so I can see what happens, okay? Can you do that?" I ask in a comforting voice.

"Why?" She questions, fear evident in her voice.

"Because I think I know what's wrong with you but I need to be sure," I tell her and she nods, sticking her arm out and, sure enough, her skin begins to crackle, meaning one thing. "Caroline, I think you already know what's wrong, don't you?"

"I'm a vampire, aren't I?" She asks, beginning to cry.

"Hey, it's okay, Care," I tell her, looking through my bag, hoping I brought it and finally notice a ring with a blue stone, lapis lazuli. "Give me a second," I tell her, shutting all the blinds to the hospital and go over to the window. I set the ring in the light, quietly mumbling the daylight ring spell. As soon as I'm finished, I walk to Caroline. "Here, put this on. It'll help you walk in the daylight." She obeys, putting it on before cautiously putting her arm into the light. When it doesn't burn, she runs over and hugs me.

"Thank you so much," she says in excitement before confusion fills her face. "Why'd you give me this? What if I hurt someone?"

"You won't. Every time you think about it, remember that you are in control. It won't always work, but eventually, you'll get the hang of it," I tell her and she nods before scrutinizing me.

"Ok, now that all that's out of the way, how about you tell me what you came here for?" She asks and a part of me says lie so I don't have to talk about it, but I need to so I tell her everything, making her tell me that Katherine was the one who killed her.

"She must've been the one to give you her blood then. But why?"

"She told me to deliver the message 'game on' to the Salvatores," she tells me.

"So it was a declaration of war?" I ask, not buying Katherine's reasoning but I suddenly catch the time. "Well, as much as I'd love to stay, I have a meeting with Carol Lockwood. Then I have to get to the carnival which I will tell you all about. Bye, love you," I say as I walk out.

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