Chapter 13- 162 Candles

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I woke up today feeling like everything is going to be different. It took me a few minutes to realize why but then I remember. I kissed Damon, but more importantly, he kissed me back. I start to wonder if maybe he forgot about Katherine, maybe he wants to be with me. I mean, he hasn't asked about his crystal and he kissed me. I know that I shouldn't get my hopes up but I've never felt like this about someone before and I want it to be true. I shake off my thoughts and jump in the shower before getting ready to head to the station to answer some questions about Vicki's disappearance.

I sit across from Liz as she sighs. "Do you know anything about this, Jessica?"

"I'm really sorry, sheriff. I can't even tell you the last time I saw Vicki," I lie. "I didn't even know that she got attacked by a vampire until you just told me. But I think she did leave town because Jeremy really cares about her so if he says she left, then I believe him." She nods her head at me and I go to leave. I'm a few paces from the door when she stops me.

"Thank you, for everything, Jessica. I know the council doesn't thank you enough for all the things you do for this town, especially when it comes to protecting our kids, to protecting Caroline." I smile at her. Liz and Caroline don't have the best relationship but Care just doesn't know all the things Liz does to protect her.

"Of course, Liz, and if this does pan out to be anything vampire-related, you know you can count on me to help." She nods again and I walk outside. I see Elena talking to Stefan about Damon's compulsion working and saying that he has to stay away. I go to follow her as she walks away, when a figure in the corner of my eye catches my attention. I turn and see Damon. He holds out a smoothie to me and I take it as I haven't eaten breakfast.

"Hey, I thought you might want to talk after answering questions about Vicki so I brought your favorite, strawberry banana."

"Thanks," I tell him. "Wait, how did you know?"

He gives me his adorable smirk. "Caroline told me the day of the Founder's party."

I nod my head laughing. "Right, when you used her to stalk me and plant doubt in Elena's head about Stefan."

He shrugs. "What can I say, I'm a multi-tasker." I laugh and so does he. "Well, I have a package for the sheriff and then I can share the town drama with you."

"God, you sound like Caroline," I joke.

"Does that mean you don't want to know?"

"The opposite, actually. I love drama, I just hate being a part of it." He nods and I catch the scent of what's in the box. "You're delivering vervain to the sheriff?"

"Yup, apparently the council's running out and Zach's not here so," he shrugs before heading into the building. A little bit later, he walks out and holds out his hand. I grab it and we begin walking to the grill.

"You know, I've never heard of a vampire on the council before. If you join you won't have any use for me," I joke, secretly worried that that is the only reason he's hanging out with me.

"No way, I'll always need you, Jess," he jokes and I stop, making him stop as well, being as he has yet to drop my hand.

"Damon, we need to talk about the kiss," I tell him bluntly. His face grows serious and he nods. "I told you that when I touched you I saw your life, I saw Katherine. I know that she's the reason you came back to town and I need to know if you still plan to let her out because I refuse to start something with someone who plans to leave me to be with someone else." I watch him and see him process everything I said.

"You're right, I came for Katherine and no matter what I feel for you, I still love Katherine. But that doesn't mean we can't be friends." I think about what he said. I know that Katherine isn't in the tomb and I also know he won't believe me unless he sees it himself. I try not to focus on the fact that he said he felt something for me and nod my head.

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