Chapter 2- The Night of the Comet (Part 1)

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Jenna Sommers stands in front of a mirror getting ready for a parent-teacher conference for Jeremy. She pauses for a second and looks into her reflection. For a second, she wonders why she agreed to take in the Gilberts. Sure, she loved them and wanted what's best for them, but who was she kidding, she would never be Miranda. Hell, she'd never even be Jessica who, although only nine months older than Elena, was like a second mom to her siblings, being so mature. Before she can think too much about it, Elena walks out of her room and Jenna turns to her. "Do I look adult? As in respectfully parental?"

"Depends where you're going."

"Jeremy's parent-teacher conference. Hair up or down?" She lifts her hair up.

"Sexy stewardess." Jenna lets it fall out. "Boozy housewife."

"Up it is. You're feisty today."

"I feel good, which is rare. So I've decided to go with it. Fly free, walk on the sunshine, and all that stuff. Where is Jeremy?"

"He left early. Something about getting to woodshop early to finish a birdhouse." Jenna sees Elena's face in the mirror and makes a realization. "There is no woodshop is there?"


"Yeah." There she goes again being a terrible guardian. She gives herself one more look before leaving for the conference.


At school, Caroline and Bonnie walk in while Bonnie tells Caroline about her Grams saying she is a witch. Bonnie jokes about it, not believing it one bit, and Caroline is all too willing to join in. "Yeah, well, feel free to conjure up the name and number of that guy from last night."

"I didn't see him, you did. Why didn't you just talk to him?" Bonnie asks, remembering what Care had said about not only competing with Elena, but also Jessica.

"I don't know. I was drunk." Caroline answers before changing the subject.


After school, Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena sit around a table outside the grill. It started with Elena telling them about Stefan visiting her last night, but once the comet is mentioned Bonnie tells them both what Grams had said about the comet. Caroline, however, couldn't care less what Bonnie's crazy drunk of a grandmother said and would much rather hear all the dirty details from Elena, who she has decided to live vicariously through since Stefan turned her down. "So what then?"

"We just talked for hours," Elena responds.

"OK, what is with the blockage? Just jump his bones already! Ok, it's easy. Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, sex!" Caroline is so frustrated. How can she live vicariously through her if Elena won't do anything? Elena goes to reply, but somebody beats her to it.

"Wow. Profound Caroline. Well and truly profound. Practically Shakespearean if I do say so myself." Says a voice that instantly turns not only the three girls heads, but the heads of many people sitting outside the grill. After all, everybody knows Jessica Gilbert for one reason or another. Some love her, some hate her, but nobody can help but be drawn in by the magnetic pull that seems to emit from Jessica wherever she goes.

"Oh. My. God! Jessica, you're back!" Care practically shrieks. She and Bonnie both jump up to hug the missing piece of their friend group.

"Okay, guys. I get it, you missed me, and I missed you as well but I would absolutely love to hug my little sister, who I haven't seen in months." Bonnie and Caroline both pull away and are instantly replaced by Elena, who had launched herself into her sister's arms, all anger at her for leaving replaced now that she is here. "So, what'd I miss and whose bones are you jumping exactly, Lena?" They all laugh and take turns catching her up. Caroline is catching Jessica up on the whole Stefan situation, when Elena stands up.

"Where are you going?" Asks Bonnie.

"Caroline's right. It is easy. If I sit here long enough, I'll end up talking myself out of it instead of doing what I started the day saying what I was going to do." She nods her head like she's attempting to convince herself and even makes it a few steps before turning around. "Jessica, come with me."

"Why would you want me to go with you to jump his bones?" Jessica gives her a confused look, genuinely confused as sometimes human emotions confuse her no matter how much Caroline explains them.

"I don't want you there for that. I want to introduce you to him."

Jessica suddenly nods. "Oh, I get it. I show up with you and you say you wanted him to meet me so he doesn't think you just showed up for a quickie." The other three girls look at Jessica shocked, as she usually doesn't say things like quickie or even know most sex-related terms, and they all start to wonder if she did more than cope in Europe. "Okay, I'll go. I have to say, I am curious about the guy that managed to catch not only yours but Care's attention." She gets up and leads her sister to her p.o.s of a car while Caroline and Bonnie wonder how she knew that Care had a thing for Stefan when nobody said anything.

Jessica pulls up at the boarding house and quicky gets out, forcing her sister to follow. "Wow, this place is huge."

"Yeah, I wonder if Zach is home." Jessica quite likes Zach, he was a friend of not only her parents but her. Despite her being a teenager, Zach always treated her like an adult but, then again, most of the council did.

"Wait, you know Zach Salvatore?" Elena asks, shocked by the news.

"Yup," Jessica answers, blowing a bubble with the gum Elena just now realizes she is chewing. "He was friends with mom and dad." She finishes before ringing the doorbell. They stand there for a moment before Elena tries knocking. Jessica playfully rolls her eyes at her sister's impatience, having missed her greatly during her time away. When Elena tries to knock, the door squeaks open and Elena pauses for a second before walking in. "Yeah, just go on in Elena, that's not trespassing or anything," Jessica mutters sarcastically before shrugging and following the other brunette inside.

Elena calls out for Stefan before a crow flies in, scaring Elena while Jessica looks at it curiously as she faintly hears the door shut behind her. They both turn to find Damon standing in front of Elena. Making Elena wonder how he got there so fast and making a ghost of a smile, that not even Damon picked up on, appear on Jessica's face.

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