Chapter 30- Barbecue

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The next day, Jessica gets up and heads to Caroline's house. When she arrives, Liz is already at work and Caroline is still sleeping so Jessica yanks open the curtains. Caroline quickly starts out of bed, worried that Katherine is back, but she calms when she realizes that it is Jessica. "I told you I would help with your control so here I am," Jessica tells her. "Plus, I really need to talk to you so," she continues, holding out her wrist to Caroline.

"Are you sure about this, Jess? I don't want to hurt you," Caroline tells her.

"You won't and you definitely aren't the first vampire to drink from my wrist, so drink," Jessica tells her, holding out her wrist again and this time, Caroline takes it, biting into it. "Ok so I'm going to tell you this and then you're going to tell me what you've wanted to tell me since you saw me, got it." Caroline nods against her wrist, feeling nervous about Katherine but knowing Jessica will figure it out anyway. "Last night I went to go home after the party but I ended up at the boarding house in Damon's room and when I saw him, I just kind of broke down and told him this secret I had been keeping and it just felt so good and before I knew it, we slept together," Jessica quickly tells her.

"What," Caroline yells, immediately detaching from Jessica's wrist, realizing that she controlled her hunger but she's too shocked to be proud. "You slept with him? And then came here for me to feed off you. Ugh," she continues. "And don't think I don't know the secret is that you're a werewolf because I know the wolf that saved me was you. I don't know how you're doing it because I've been with you on a full moon but I know it was you," Caroline tells her, shocking Jessica.

Eventually, Jessica tells her what she had told Damon about being a wolf and how she can control it as well as how she left Damon while he was sleeping before turning to Caroline. "So, what are you trying to avoid telling me?" Jessica asks.

"Katherine showed up and threatened to hurt Matt if I didn't get Stefan and Elena to break up. I'm supposed to keep Elena distracted today so Katherine can talk with Stefan," Caroline tells her.

"Why does she care?" Jessica questions.

"She wants Stefan for herself I guess. I just don't know what to do," Caroline tells her.

"Do what she says, distract Elena. Tell her if you have to and don't let Katherine know," Jessica tells her. "I'll even help you," she says.


That same morning, at the Mystic Grill, Damon sits on a stool at the bar, drinking his bourbon, when Alaric approaches him. "Day drinking in public now? I thought this was reserved for your own home," he jokes but Damon isn't in the mood.

"Yeah well, my house brings up bad memories now, thanks to Jessica," Damon informs him.

Alaric sighs before sitting at the bar next to him. "Please tell me this isn't about Jessica saying she's going to sleep with some college guys," Alaric says, not wanting to talk about his step-daughter's sex life.

Damon shoots him a glare. "No, I know she didn't sleep with any stupid college guy because when I got home last night she was sitting on my bed. She tells me this secret that she says she never told anybody. We have this epic moment and the next thing I know we're having some of the best sex of my life and falling asleep next to each other only for me to wake up to see her gone, not answering my phone calls," Damon tells him, downing his glass of bourbon.

Alaric makes a face. "Okay, try and remember that this is Jessica, who I've already told you is like a daughter to me, and you've just given me way too much information about her sex life so I'm gonna stop you right there. I was only looking for you to tell you Jenna's having the barbecue with Mason today but I'm pretty sure Jessica is going to be there and maybe you should stay away from her," Alaric tells his best friend before walking off, not sure how to feel about Jessica and Damon.

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