Chapter 23- Under Control

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Jessica's P.O.V.

It's Monday and so far this week is going wonderfully, note the sarcasm. After we saved Stefan, who Elena fed her blood to so he could heal, he apparently violently murder Fredrick, but that guy was a dick so he deserved it. Next, still last night, Caroline found Vicki's body while driving to her dad's because she got stuck on some back road. She called me after she told Matt, remembering that I had already told her about Vicki so I had to go comfort both my best friends because Matt turned down Caroline's comfort for Elena's, which is absolutely ridiculous because Caroline gives amazing hugs. So we have a dead vamp that the council didn't know was turned and a ripper vampire claiming he has it 'under control' which I think is bullshit.

As if those problems weren't enough, I went to open the door to go to school today and who was standing there other than the person I hate most in the world, Uncle John Gilbert. Jenna says he's staying with us but I've determined that us won't include me because I can't stand the man. As soon as I get to the school, I begin venting to Caroline. "So he just shows up?"

"Well, Jenna's trying to sell Grayson's office to Pearl."

"The creepy tomb vampire who's the mother of Jeremy's girlfriend?" She asks, making sure she understands.

"They aren't dating, but yes. Something tells me that John knows Pearl is a vampire and once he sees Anna with Jeremy, he's going to go after her which means I need to find her first."

"Why? What can you do?"

"I'm a powerful witch, I can make sure Jeremy doesn't lose another girlfriend. Anyway, I'm telling you all this to see if I can stay at your house while John is here. I don't actually have to stay I just need Jenna to think I am so if you want to have Matt over I'm sure Damon won't mind my company," I tell her.

"Of course you can stay. I never liked John. He's creepy."

"Yeah, he is," I say before going into history class.


During lunch, Damon picks me up to head to the emergency council meeting that I know John called. "Look, he's a Gilbert and he has my dad's ring so don't start a fight with him because you can't kill him. Also, this is your first official meeting so if you start a fight it will make me look bad because I gave Liz and Carol the green light to induct you," I tell him.

"Well thank you and how will I know which one is John?" He asks.

"Trust me, you'll know," I grumble, causing Damon to chuckle but after the meeting, he's singing a different tune. He's talking to Liz, who I already cleared my indefinite sleepover with, when I see John motioning me over. I roll my eyes but obey.

"Make this quick because I have to get back to school. We don't really have open lunches," I snark.

"You left so quickly this morning we didn't get the chance to talk."

"About what John? About Elena? Because I didn't tell her about you if that's what you're worried about. I promised my dad and I don't break promises," I tell him.

"Unless they ask right?" He says sarcastically, but I can tell he's angry.

"Not on this one. I won't tell her because that's your job, so man up and do it," I tell him, attempting to walk off, but he grabs my arm.

"What are you doing with Damon Salvatore?"

"He's my boyfriend. Elena's dating his brother, it makes double dates easier," I say sarcastically, wanting the conversation to end.

"I'm surprised, I thought you were better than this," he says, like he knows something I don't.

"If you're referring to Damon being a vampire, I know, I just don't care. He wants to protect Mystic Falls, I want to protect Mystic Falls, it works," I say rolling my eyes. I can tell he is about to respond so I grab his hand that is still on my arm, discreetly turning it into a painful position before whispering so low that no one will hear me. "If you try anything with the Salvatores, so help me, I will blow you out of the water, John. You know how influential I can be and I can have everyone in the town believing you're a sympathizer and you're trying to frame the Salvatores because Damon found out. I can paint him as the town hero once again while I watch you burn to ash. Do not test me, got it?" I can see the fear in his eyes when he nods and a bright smile breaks out on my face. "Great, also I won't be staying at home. Let me know when you leave so I can get out of Liz's hair."

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