Chapter 42- The Last Day

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Jessica Gilbert woke up in Damon Salvatore's bed. She watches her loving boyfriend while he sleeps with a sad smile on her face. He has been through so much and still has a good heart, even if he doesn't let everyone see it. "You know, watching people sleep is considered creepy," Damon jokes with his eyes still closed. He opens them before kissing her like she's dying and the only way to save her is with a kiss and that's what makes her break down. She tells him everything. Everything about Klaus and his plans but as soon as she's done, as soon as he tells her he understands she looks deep into his baby blue eyes and he can't help but look deep into her brown ones.

"Forget what I told you, for now. Just remember, I will always love you." She says and he blinks before forgetting everything she had just told him and smiling at her brightly, which she returns. "We should get up. I'm sure Elena and Elijah have some plan that won't happen," she tells him and they both get dressed and head downstairs. Sure enough, Elena and Elijah did have a plan. Elena would drink a 500-year-old elixir that would bring her back after she died. Damon gets upset. He is worried Jessica won't be able to stop Elena and then both her and Stefan would be hurt that the doppelgänger was dead. He suggests the Gilbert ring but Jessica immediately shoots the idea down, saying it won't work as she is supernatural.

Damon gets angry and storms out of the living room and goes to get blood. They give him some time to cool off before Stefan and Elena go after him. Jessica sits in the parlor with Elijah until she hears Jenna yelling at someone to get out. She runs into the foyer and sees Jenna with a crossbow pointed at Alaric. "Wait, don't shoot. It's really Ric," Jessica says on instinct, not thinking about them questioning how she knows. Nobody questions it but Jenna, who turns to Ric.

"Prove it," she commands.

"Okay, uh, first night you and I spent together, Jeremy walked in right when I was about to..." He says only to be cut off by Jenna declaring it's him while everyone else stands around awkwardly.

"Why did he let you go?" Stefan asks and Ric turns to him somberly.

"He gave me a message. He says the sacrifice happens tonight," he answers. upsetting me as this wasn't part of the deal. Everyone goes into the parlor where they question Ric, who remembers nothing about his time with Klaus. Elena and Jessica realize Damon's missing presence at the same time and Elena tells Jessica she'll talk to him before heading to his room.

She talks to Damon, asking him to respect her decision and let her do this to protect those she cares about. "I'll be fine, Damon. I'll drink the elixir, Bonnie will kill Klaus and then all of this will finally be over," she assures him.

"If it works," he retorts.

"It'll work."

"You think it will work. You want it to work. Why am I the only one who's convinced it won't? Did you even think about how Jessica and Stefan will feel when you don't come back? They'll be devastated and sure Stefan might get over it in a century and move on with his life but Jessica is a 17-year-old girl, who might not recover. There has to be another way."

"There isn't," Elena says, feeling guilty, thinking about her sister.

"You're going to die and that's not a risk I'm willing to take," he says before biting his wrist and forcing blood into her mouth. Elena thrashes around, making enough noise to bring everyone to Damon's room. Stefan tells him to get out and Damon listens, saying something about going to the grill and Ric follows. Stefan takes Elena out for a day to herself.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, Tyler shows up to visit his mother who 'fell' down to stairs. On his way out, he sees Caroline and they talk briefly before trying to leave only to be kidnapped by Greta and Maddox. On the other side of town, Matt Donavan meets with Sheriff Forbes who has him 'spying' on Caroline for her. "No, but...I can't do this anymore. I've been with her the past few days, and I'm putting on the best show of my life. But either she is too, or she's still the same Caroline," he tells her, making Jessica smile and pop up from the back seat.

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