Chapter 14- History Repeating

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A/N: I don't know how far apart John and Greyson are in the T.V. show but for the purpose of my book they are 4 years apart. Greyson had his own practice when he was 21 because he was smart so he skipped several grades throughout his schooling.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Jessica Gilbert walks into Mystic Falls High School with her sister, Elena, and her best friend, Caroline Forbes. They walk towards Jessica's locker while Caroline and Elena talk. "Have you even talked to Bonnie?" Elena asks her friend.

"No, I'm mad at her. She needs to make the first move," answers Caroline. As they arrive at Jessica's locker, she sighs and, after entering her combination, turns to her best friend.

"Caroline Elizabeth Forbes, you are angry with Bonnie because she wouldn't give you some stupid necklace that Damon asked you to get for him and then insulted you because he is an asshole who should do things for himself. Forgive Bonnie and screw Damon," Jessica tells her friend before putting her bag away and grabbing her history book and a small jewelry box.

"Oh, I would totally screw Damon if he wasn't so into you," she jokes.

Jessica rolls her eyes replying, "He isn't into me, Care. We are friends and he's in love with some girl whose about to reenter his life soon or something." Caroline gives her friend a look mixed with confusion and doubt, thinking that Jessica has lied while knowing that if it was a lie, it would be better. Before she can say anything, Jessica hands her the tiny box, "Here, I got you a gift to make up for my friend being a complete jackass to you and then apologizing to me and not you," she told her before adding quietly so that Elena doesn't hear, "Although, I think Matt may have been your real gift." (The necklace is pictured above)

She winks at her, making Caroline laugh before whispering back, "Yeah except Matt left before I woke up."

Jessica begins walking towards history and Care starts to follow. Elena falls behind and Jessica ends her conversation with Caroline turning to her saying, "Your mom is the sheriff, he was probably scared she would check on you and shoot him," before turning on her heels entering the classroom and taking her seat at the back. Care and Elena take their seats near the front and Jessica notices a handsome man around her aunt's age at the board and sees the name he has written. Before she realizes what she is doing, she reads his name off the board, "Alaric Saltzman, kinda a mouthful don't you think?"

She hears her sister gasp and turn to give her a look, but Jessica shrugs it off. She may have felt embarrassed if the teacher hadn't laughed at her response, although it is unlikely as embarrassment is one of the emotions Jessica doesn't quite understand. "I was actually just about to say that myself. Congrats on the pronunciation, by the way, most people tend to pronounce it Ala/ric," he says, making some of the class laugh while Jessica scrutinizes the board for another minute before replying.

"I could see that but judging from the last name it seemed more likely to be pronounced Alaric," she answers. Alaric laughs before realizing that she is serious and a quizzical look appears on his face. The more he looks at her, the more he realizes that she looks almost familiar but before he can think too much, Matt takes pity on the new teacher.

"I wouldn't take to heart anything she says Mr. S," he tells him.

"Yeah, just wait until you accidentally get a date wrong. Then she'll pounce," jokes Tyler.

"Oh, whatever, I only did that with Tanner because he got off on making kids feel stupid, it's called giving people a taste of their own medicine. I would do it to you, Tyler, but I wouldn't know how to be that stupid," she retorts, making the whole class laugh and Tyler sticks his tongue out at the teen. She returns the favor and Alaric chuckles before directing the class's attention back to his name, giving them an origin, before talking about history.

After the bell rings, most of the kids hurry out of the classroom while Jessica tells Caroline that she'll meet up with her later. Once the classroom has cleared out, she approaches Alaric's desk. "Mr. Saltzman," she says, startling the man who thought the room was empty.

"Hey, what's up?" He asks, wondering why she stayed. It wasn't for help, he was sure, as she knew more than probably even him.

"I sat through this whole class wondering where I had seen you before and then it finally hit me."

"Have we met before?" He wonders, remembering his earlier thought.

"No, but you were married to Isabelle Flemming, right?" She asks and he looks at her, shocked that she knew that.

"Yeah, how did you-" before he could finish she cuts him off.

"I've seen you, in my dreams when I was a kid. I used to see Isabelle, she was my mother. She gave me up but I have these gifts," she continues, but Alaric no longer hears, realizing that she does look like his wife and he remembered her telling him that she had a baby with an older man when she spent a few months in New Orleans but they were both too young so they gave it up. She had kept a picture of her newborn and she had shown it to Alaric. It's only then that he realizes that she said she saw them in dreams.

He breaks out of his daze and interrupts what she is saying. "You said you saw us in dreams?" She nods her head, worried how he will react. She knew Isabelle researched the supernatural but wasn't sure if he believed. "Did you see what happened to her how she—how she died?" He asks, hoping that he wouldn't have to break the news to her but she simply looks at him uncomfortable, knowing that she has to break the news to him so he doesn't get himself killed trying to get revenge on Damon.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. You see, I believe in closure and I think I might be the only one who can give it to you." He nods his head for her to continue. "Isabelle isn't dead, Mr. Saltzman. The vampire you saw, she asked him to turn her so he did. Your wife is a vampire. I'm sorry." Jessica finishes and goes to leave the room, but he stops her.

"She told me about you." She turns around giving him a confused look. "She said her biggest regret was abandoning you. She went back a couple of months later to get you, but a man told her you had already found a home so she left. She kept a picture of you that one of the nurses at the hospital took."

"My name is Jessica Gilbert. She didn't find me because my father Grayson had already come back for me. His girlfriend, who he married later that year, had wanted a child but he thought he wasn't ready. He left me there but he couldn't keep it from his girlfriend and as soon as she found out, they came to New Orleans and brought me back with them. I spent my whole childhood getting visions of her. I saw her with you. She was happy. If it makes you feel better, she didn't turn because of you, she turned because she was so obsessed with the supernatural the only way to satisfy it was-"

"To become supernatural," he finishes for her.

"Exactly." Jessica turns to leave but turns back around with one more question. "Did she ever mention having another child?"

He shakes his head. "She told me that she had you and said that you not being there was a sign from God that she shouldn't be a mother," he tells her. She nods her head, leaving the room wondering why Isabelle would tell Alaric about herself but not Elena.

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