Chapter 37- Crying Wolf

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At Jules' trailer in the woods, Tyler talks with Jules and the remaining pack. Jules asks why Mason came back and Tyler tells her about the moonstone. One of the wolves, Stevie, tells them about the sun and the moon curse and says he thinks Mason was trying to break it. Jules is quick to ask Tyler where the moonstone is now. "Look, I don't know. All I know is that Jessica killed him and she said when she did she got flashes of his life, so if anybody would know where it is, it'd be her," he says exasperatedly, thinking about the girl who used to be one of his only friends and now hates him.

Stevie and Jules talk and he tells her about the other ingredients when, suddenly, something clicks," What about Kathy? She left Florida with Mason, maybe she has it," he suggests.

"I don't know Kathy," Tyler tells them. "I only heard about her from Jessica and she said she left town soon after Mason," Tyler tells them, trying to help.

"Here, I have a picture. Maybe she was lying," Stevie tells him before pulling up a picture of Katherine and Mason. Tyler looks at it with a start.

"That's Elena Gilbert," Tyler says.

"You know her?" Jules asks.

"Since we were kids. That's Jessica's sister," he tells them. They quickly tell him about the curse and how breaking it would allow them to turn whenever they wanted to. They don't tell him Elena has to die, just that they need her, so he agrees to help.

Meanwhile, at the Forbes residence, Bonnie, Caroline, Elena, and Jessica are all asleep when Elena's phone rings. Jessica and Caroline push her off the bed so she gets up to answer it. She talks to Stefan and suggests that they go away to her family's lakehouse for the weekend so she can avoid John. He agrees and as they are about to hang up, they hear Damon. "Let me talk to her," he says and Stefan, unsure why his brother wants to talk to his girlfriend, reluctantly hands it over. As soon as he has the phone, Damon demands, "Put Jessica on."

"She isn't going to like being woken up," Elena tells him.

"Well tell her I need her help, got it?" Elena sighs before walking into the bedroom and shaking her sister awake.

"What?" Jessica mumbles with her face buried in a pillow.

"Damon says he needs your help," she tells her and Jessica shoots out of bed, grabbing the phone and darting to the hallway.

"What is it, what's wrong?" She asks Damon worriedly.

"Nothing is wrong, I just need your help," he says soothingly, making her calm down significantly while Elena watches on, realizing just how much Jessica cares for Damon, even after he's hurt her, making her happy her sister's finally found someone.

"With what?" Jessica yawns out.

"Well, your aunt Jenna introduced me to a polite news reporter, probably to keep me away from you. I tried to object but she left us alone and I figured she'd be good for information so I compelled her to tell me anything interesting and she came through," he tells his girlfriend.

"Right, and what does this have to do with you waking me up early on my day to sleep in?" She questions.

"Well according to Ms. Star, Elijah is going to be at the historical society luncheon this afternoon and I thought you might want to be my date," he informs her with a genuine smile on his face, making Stefan, who has been eavesdropping on the conversation, smile, happy to see his brother care about someone in a way he hasn't since they were human.

"Damon, Sweetie, I'll go with you, but you'd have to be my date. You need an invitation to get in and only members get those. I don't know who's bringing Elijah but lucky for you, I'm a member of the historical society," Jessica tells him, finally beginning to wake up, knowing she won't get to go back to sleep.

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