Chapter 16- The Turning Point.

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Jessica's P.O.V.

For once in my life, I've woken up ecstatic. I keep replaying what happened with Damon last night in my head. Does this mean that we are together? Is he really okay with never seeing Katherine again? I know that this is my chance, that I should tell him that Katherine was never in the tomb but for the first time, I'm scared to lose someone and I don't want to do something that will push him away.

I shake off my thoughts and get ready for school. When I come downstairs, I notice that my siblings have left but something seems off with Jenna. "Hey, what's up?"

"Logan showed up here last night," Jenna tells me. I sit down and hug her, so focused on Jenna that I forget that Damon told me he killed Logan the night Vicki turned.

"Well, what happened?"

"Nothing, he kept trying to get me to invite him in but I slammed the door in his face."

"Good for you, Jenna. You don't need anymore Scumfell in your life," I tell her before I feel a smirk form on my face. "Plus, a little birdy told me that you have the hots for Mystic Falls' newest history teacher," I tell her, remembering when Jeremy told me that he gave him an extra credit opportunity then, Jer and Jenna saw him at the grill and they seemed to hit it off.

"Well, that little birdy should learn to mind his own business," she growls.

"Relax, Jen, he was happy for you and so am I," I laugh. "Alaric seems like a pretty nice guy. You know his wife disappeared, right?"

She looks surprised. "He told me that she died, but that was it." I nod my head and she gives me a skeptical look. "Why do you know so much about him? Do you have a crush on your new teacher?" She jokes.

I snort. "Yeah aright, I have my eyes set on Damon Salvatore, thank you very much," I tell her and she looks surprised that I am openly admitting interest to a guy. "Besides, if I liked Alaric, it would be weird."

"Why, because I like him?" She continues to joke.

"No, because his wife was my birth mom which technically makes him my stepfather which would make the whole thing super weird."

She looks at me in shock, "You knew," she begins but I cut her off.

"That Miranda wasn't my mom? Of course. You know me, I'm good at things like that and Mom and Dad never kept secrets from me. I also know about Elena and something tells me that she's gonna find out soon."

"What makes you say that?"

"Elena found out that Mom and Dad were keeping some things from her. I promised I wouldn't tell her about the adoption so I can't, but it'll be better hearing it from you, Jenna."

"Have I told you that I've missed you, Jessica, because I've been screwing up raising Elena and Jeremy this whole time, but you were always just like Miranda when it came to them. As soon as you got back, they both started to get better."

"You haven't been screwing up, Jen, you never screwed up. If you hadn't been here then John would be and we both know that I never would've come back if he was our guardian." We both laugh and I see that Jenna seems less tense. "Well, I should get to school or I'll be late and I'd hate to tell your new boyfriend you're corrupting his students." She rolls her eyes and I grab my bags, heading out the door.

When I get out there, however, I see Damon waiting for me. "Hey, I figured you might want a ride to school. Plus, I have gossip to spill."

I laugh at his eager facial expression. "Sure, I'll just get a ride from Care after practice."

We get in his car and he drives for a little before he begins talking. "Liz showed up at the boarding house today. Stefan was trying to convince me to leave town but I told him about you, not happy about it, by the way. He'll probably share his views with Elena," he tells me. I shrug and he continues. "So Liz shows up and says they found a body drained of blood. Now, I know it wasn't me and it obviously wasn't Stefan," I cut him off.

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