Chapter 15- Let's Have a Séance

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3rd Person P.O.V

Elena Gilbert, Jessica Gilbert, Bonnie Bennett, and Caroline Forbes are in the Gilbert house at the slumber party Elena planned to get Bonnie and Caroline talking when, suddenly, Caroline sighs. "I'm sorry. There. I said it. If you want the ugly-ass necklace, keep it. It's yours."

Bonnie turns to Caroline guiltily. "Will you hate me if I tell you I threw it away?" She asks.

Caroline goes to reply but Jessica beats her to it. "You threw it away? Why? Why wouldn't you just give it to Damon if you didn't want it?"

"I had to Jess, it was giving me nightmares and Damon didn't deserve it. He keeps trying to scare me into giving it to him and I don't want to give him satisfaction."

"All the more reason to give it to him," Jessica argues. "Let Emily haunt his ass instead."

Caroline goes to ask what they are talking about that's clearly leaving her out but decides against it. Instead, she asks, "Are we doing manicures or what? Who has their kit?"

"Mine's in my bag," Bonnie tells her.

Caroline opens it up only to see the necklace. "Why are you such a little liar, Bonnie?" She asks in a snarky tone. Elena gasps a 'Caroline' while Jessica turns around to see her holding up the necklace.

Elena and Bonnie begin to talk about Emily and Caroline gets upset, saying the two of them always leave her out. Bonnie tells Caroline she's a witch but Caroline doesn't believe her. Meanwhile, Jessica takes the necklace from Care, looking at it. Usually, when she touches people or things she gets dreams later on but when she touches the crystal she sees why Emily doesn't want Damon to have the necklace. Jessica sees the spell Emily did, it wasn't to save a single vampire, it saved them all and she didn't want to let them out, making Jessica rethink her promise to help Damon. She then realizes that it's best if she does it so nobody gets hurt. When she finally snaps out of it, Bonnie and Caroline are talking in the living room so Jessica listens in. 

"Look, Bonnie, you know I don't believe woo woo stuff," she says with a hand motion, making Jessica chuckle quietly. "But you are my best friend and if you say you're a witch, I believe it and Jessica didn't refute it so it's probably true, otherwise she would be spouting off reasons why it's not."

"Hey," Jessica says. "Why are you attacking me?"

"So Bonnie doesn't feel left out," she informs her. Jessica mulls this over before shrugging deciding that's a good answer. "You can come in now Elena. Although I don't know why you left since Jessica ignored us." Elena walks back in and Care turns to the group. "So what do you guys want to do?" Suddenly, she gasps, getting and idea. "Let's have a séance," she suggests.

Bonnie and Jessica tell her it's not a good idea but before they know it, they are sitting in Elena's room with candles while Bonnie calls out to her ancestor. "Emily, you there?"

"Really? 'Emily, you there?' That's all you got? Come on," Caroline demands.

"Fine, geez. Emily. I call on you. I know you have a message. I'm here to listen." Suddenly, the séance begins to work and they ask for signs but Bonnie gets scared, throwing off the necklace. The candles go out and everyone scrambles to turn on the light. Once it's on, they realize the necklace is gone. Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie begin to look for it while Jessica sits on the floor in a sort of trance. 

"Okay, fun's over, Caroline. You made a point, and I get it. Now give it back," Elena tells her.

"It's in the bathroom," Jessica says in a light tone when she catches sight of a shadow in the hall. Elena goes to check it out while Bonnie sees the necklace in the bathroom. She walks in and Jessica realizes what's about to happen too late.

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