Chapter 5- Dinner & Desert at the Gilberts'

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Jessica's P.O.V.

After cheerleading practice, Elena came up to me to tell me that Jenna and Jeremy aren't gonna be home tonight so she invited Bonnie and Stefan over for a little 'get to know you' dinner and she wants me to be there to get to know him as well. Obviously, I asked if Caroline was invited and she said no because she thinks Caroline is busy. Now I happen to know that Elena just doesn't want Care there because she says inappropriate things sometimes due to her lack of a filter but it's not like I'm much better. The only difference is that I say things that people don't realize I've figured out about them, which I personally think makes me worse, so I decided to invite Caroline.

"Hey, Carebear, wait up!" I shout. She turns around and flashes me a smile.

"What, did Elena leave you and you need a ride because you clunk-a-junk finally broke down and your knight in shining armor is busy?" She jokingly questions, knowing that Elena is still watching the football practice.

"Haha Princess," I say, rolling my eyes playfully. God, I've missed my banter with Caroline, it just wasn't the same over phone and skype. "Actually, I was wondering if you're busy tonight."

"Um I have plans at 7 but they should be over by 9 if you wanna come over and we can slumber it up while we watch The Notebook."

I laugh. "First off, I refuse to watch The Notebook again. I didn't even want to watch it the first time you made me. If you want to watch it in your free time, go ahead but don't drag me into it. Second, I was going to invite you over to the 'get to know you' dinner Elena is having for Stefan at our house because apparently Bonnie has a bad feeling about him that Elena thinks dinner is going to make go away, which I don't really understand, and I wanted some support but I suppose you can come over at 9 with dessert if you're up for it."

Caroline giggles and I know she's laughing at my lack of understanding but sometimes the way people think baffles me. Care says it's because I have trouble understanding emotion, which is probably true, but we've been working on it. "You know for someone as smart as you are, the simplest things confuse you, Sweetie. She thinks the bad feeling is because Bonnie doesn't know Stefan and is worried he might do something to hurt Elena and Elena thinks that once Bonnie realizes Stefan is a good guy and not an abusive asshole, she won't be wary anymore."

"Oh yeah, I can understand that."

"Good because that was my best attempt at explaining it and as for dessert, you're on. See you tonight."


That night, Bonnie arrives early only to have Elena rope her into putting the food Elena bought into bowls to create the illusion Elena can cook, which she can't. I'm actually pretty sure Elena burnt water once, like burnt it onto the stove and Dad couldn't get it off so he ended up buying a new stove because it prevented one of the burners from lighting. Elena wasn't allowed to go near the stove for weeks after that. To be fair, the only two people that could cook were dad and me, although I think Elena and Mom's were more a lack of effort than anything. I actually don't know if Jer can cook because he never had to. Huh, I should find out. I'm upstairs getting ready because the longer I wait up here, the less time I have to listen to Elena attempt to convince Bonnie what a great guy Stefan is. Well think of the devil and he shall appear, I think as I hear the doorbell and know it must be Stefan. To confirm my suspicions, Elena yells up that our guests have arrived, like I'm a host of the impromptu dinner.

I decide to head downstair so I grab my phone off the charger only to see I have a text from Nikki😜. How's your day been? I roll my eyes, knowing that we aren't supposed to be texting but not caring in the slightest. JG- Well my car broke down and is in the shop which means I have to use the one that my dad bought me to try and get me to stop driving my 'deathtrap' as he called it so🤷🏻‍♀️. I laugh and head downstairs, knowing he'll enjoy the fact that my car is broken because he told me to get a new one, but I don't have the money. As I go to sit at the table, I feel my phone vibrate so I glance at it, seeing his reply. Nikki😜- It's almost like someone told you you needed a new one. I roll my eyes, not bothering to respond, knowing he doesn't expect one, and brace myself for the evening to come.

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