Chapter 44- As I Lay Dying

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I already know this chapter is going to be pretty long so apologies in advance! ~J😘😍

3rd Person P.O.V.

As all of Jessica Gilbert's friends and family stand at her grave, wishing she was there, Jessica stands and watches them in the supernatural Purgatory that most call the Other Side. After Klaus had killed Jessica, she had woken up in the field of the plantation house with Greta's dead body next to her, presumably killed by the New Orleans witches at the ancestors' request for working with Klaus. Jessica didn't know that she was still dead at first, until she tried touching Greta's body and her hand kept going through. "You can try all you want but so long as you're here, you can't touch or talk to anybody out there," says a familiar voice.

Jessica whips around to see....herself. She looked at her look-a-like for a second before realizing who it is. "You're Vivianne Lescheres, aren't you?" She questions, knowing she is right from the slight Louisanna twinge in the girl's voice. Somewhere between a french and southern accent.

"You're smart and powerful. The whole point of this place is that you're supposed to be alone. The witches can communicate, but we are still alone. But you, Jessica Gilbert, you are powerful enough that even the Other Side can't match you," she says, almost sounding impressed.

"Right, well that's great and everything, but I should still be alive, or at least in transition," Jessica tells her, confused about why she is here.

"You'll go back, but I need to talk to you first," Vivianne tells the younger girl, giving her a hand to help her up. Jessica accepts but as soon as she touches her hand, she sees Vivianne's whole life and knows why she was in the field.

"This is where you died," Jessica states and Vivianne nods.

"And then about a century later, Klaus came back and met Marcel, but you already know that story, don't you," she says, giving Jessica a knowing look. "I've watched you, you know. Growing up. You have no idea the true power you possess or how to use it."

"Is that why you're keeping me here, to tell me about it?" Questions the Gilbert girl.

"I'm not keeping you here, Jessica. You are," Vivianne tells her before walking away, leaving Jessica no choice but to follow. They walk through the forest and before they know it, they are in Mystic Falls at the witch house where everyone is crying over Jessica's dead body while John's lays to the side.

"What happened to him?" She questions, motioning to John.

Vivianne laughs. "He tried sacrificing himself to save you. Guess he thought you deserved to live more. The witches didn't like it though," she tells her in a gossiping tone of voice that Jessica often used with Caroline.


"Because you're more powerful than any witch ever born and they don't want you to reach full power. Not to mention, someone had already saved you and they got irritated by the Bennett witch."

"You keep saying I'm powerful, but how? I'm only 17. I know how magic works, I can't be that powerful," Jessica argues.

"Normally, I'd agree, but not in this case. You are special, not only were you meant to be a traveler, but were born with the powers a witch, which has happened before," Vivianne says and Jessica nods, knowing witches came from travelers. "But the difference between travelers and witches has always been nature. Travelers don't use spirit magic which is why they aren't as strong, but they have a deeper connection to nature. Yet you, you're so connected to Nature, it obeys your whims. I didn't know for sure until you changed your aunt back. How long have you known the properties of your blood?" Vivianne asks, shocking Jessica.

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